Chapter Thirty-Four: Master Plan (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

But by some inexplicable miracle, Jackson was alive.

In the proceeding moments, the warehouse grew quiet. Everyone, still processing the events from tonight, began collecting themselves. Scott and Allison were holding each others hands tightly as they spoke in hushed tones. And then there was Stiles. He stood a few steps from Scott and Allison, looking dazed and exhausted. His cheek fashioning a dark purple bruise, his lip split on the side and caked with dried blood. With all the events from tonight, I hardly noticed the damage to his face until now. 

"Stiles." I whispered. His watering eyes met mine and he began walking towards me. I rushed over to the teen, with him meeting me halfway. His body jerked as I crashed into him, engulfing him in a tight embrace. Stiles gently wrapped his hand around my back, resting his chin against my shoulder. He melted into the hug, his hold growing tight. "I thought you were dead." I whispered. 

"Yeah, well. Can't get rid of me that easily." He muttered into my shoulder, a forced laugh coming from his chest. I pulled away, cupping my hands gently around his face. 

"Who did this to you?" I asked, my thumb gently brushing over the discolored flesh. 


"Stiles. Who did this to you?" He swallowed hard at my question. "It was Gerard. Wasn't it?"

"Yeah." He hesitantly admitted. My teeth gritted together and I found a red hot rage ignite in my chest. I shook my head, my hands beginning to involuntarily shake from the anger. 

"If he's not already dead, I'm going to fucking kill him." I seethed through my gritted teeth. 

"Hayls. It's—" 

"Don't you dare say 'it's fine', Stiles. Look at your face. Does that look fine? He hurt you. We're lucky you didn't end up.." I paused, unable to stomach the thought of Stiles being gone. "I'm gonna' kill him." I spat, turning on my heel. 

"Hayley, Hayley!" Stiles called, grabbing my wrist, turning me around, and immersing me in a tight hug. I buried my face into his shirt, the cotton seeping up the spillage of tears from under my eyes. 

"Everything's okay. I'm here, it's okay." He whispered into my ear. Stiles held me momentarily before we pulled away. He squeezed my hand in reassurance. "I've got to go tell my dad so he doesn't freak out I went MIA again." I nodded, letting the teen go make his phone call. I blinked the tears out of my vision, wiping a few stray drops on my cheeks with the heel of my palm. My gaze briefly shifting over to Jackson and Lydia hold onto each other for dear life. The two teens pressed their foreheads against each other, holding each others hands like it was their last lifeline. 

"Hey." Derek quietly spoke up, grabbing my attention as he walked over to me. He placed a cool hand on the small of my back. I turned around, looking at the Alpha and Isaac, who stood a few paces behind him. The two looked worn for wear. They were covered in blood from their now healed wounds. "Let's go. I'll take you home." Derek said. Home. The word sounded like a dream coming off of Derek's lips. I nodded, the thought of a hot shower and bed bringing a sad smile to my split lips. I could feel the blood dying on my lips and hairline from when the Kanima had so generously tossed me like I weight nothing. My eyes, tight and dry from crying, yearned to close for the night. I turned away, beginning to walk back to the Camaro, Derek and Isaac right behind me. That was until Allison split from my brothers side and approached me. 

"Hayley." She quietly spoke up. My gaze lifted, meeting her sparkling brown doe-eyes. The girl—the traitor who had abandoned us to fight on the wrong side—stood before me with a guilt ridden face. Scott stalked a few feet behind the brunette, a relaxed smile on his lips as he watched her. My face tensed. "I'm sorry." She finally admitted. "I'm so sorry." 

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