Chapter 89

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"No, I'm not going, I'm not going, you can't make me go, please don't make me go," Scarlett is sobbing and swatting at Seth while I'm trying to get all her shit together, but she's not due for another four days. We were supposed to have more time to prepare for this.

"Scarlett, we have to go," Seth calmly tells her, but I can tell he's losing patience.

"No!" She slaps his hands away again, and he snaps.

"What do you wanna do, then, huh?! You wanna give birth in your bed at home like we're living in the fucking Renaissance period? You'll probably die!"

My eyes widen as Scarlett starts to cry harder. "Okay, you suck at this," I throw him her hospital bag. Go get the car ready."

"Whatever," Seth storms off while Scarlett is sobbing into her hands, but the funny thing is that he's acting just like she would in this situation. She isn't patient either, and she doesn't know how to be overly sensitive when she thinks someone is being insane.

"Hey," I use a light grip to pull her wrists down. "Let's breathe for a second."

"I don't wanna die, H," she pouts with thick tears spilling down her cheeks.

"You're not gonna die, but we do really need to get to the hospital," I wipe her tears for her. "I promise, the sooner we go, the sooner they'll be able to help it stop hurting and make you comfortable, alright?"

"But what if something's wrong? I'm not supposed to be due for another four days."

"Well, Dr. Jones said it's hard to predict the due date for the first, remember?" I help her up to her feet, which is a good start. "Either way, we need to go."

"What about Max?"

"Hailey is going to stay with Max until the baby is born."

"What about Emma?"

"She's already on the way to the hospital."

"What about Niall?"

"He's working, but–"

"Well, we can't go without Niall!" She scoffs like I'm insane for thinking otherwise, and it makes me laugh. Niall was never on her must-have list until now.

"He's going to come when the baby does," I keep both of her hands in mine, backing up toward the door. "Everything's gonna be fine."

"Okay," she nods like she's trying to convince herself of the same thing. "Okay, yeah. Everything's gonna be fine."

We go slowly down the stairs, where she steps into her slippers by the front door. Hailey calls out to wish her good luck, but Scar is unable to respond when another contraction hits her out of nowhere. I was timing them earlier, but then she started panicking and now I've lost track. It seems like she still has enough time in between them, but it doesn't seem like they're getting any easier for her.

"Is your mom here?" She sniffles as I sit in the backseat with her, helping her with her seatbelt before Seth starts toward the hospital.

"She's going to meet us there in like a half hour," I confirm. "She's on her way."

"Okay," she chokes out, squeezing my hand until I hear the bones crack. "Is it weird if she's in the room? I think I want her in the room."

"No, I'm sure she'll be happy to be in the room," I clear my throat and try not to focus on the pain in my hand when I know she's dealing with a lot worse.

The drive to the hospital from our house isn't that long in reality, but it feels as though we've been in the car for years by the time Seth pulls up to the front entrance of the labor and delivery wing to let us out. Scarlett is having a hard time walking now, but as soon as one of the nurses sees us coming in, they page for a wheelchair and we're one step closer to getting her into her own room.

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