Chapter 15

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Three Days Ago

Gabrielle looked up at me. "Okay, well...what else do we need to talk about?"

I swallowed and felt my pulse begin to race as I made the split decision to just let it all out. "I don't like the way you talk to and about Scarlett. She's had an incredibly hard life, harder than you would ever begin to understand, and despite what happened with us in the past, I've always cared about her just like I care about Seth, Niall, and Emma. So it hurts me when you say things like that she has diseases, or she's stupid, or she's going nowhere in her life. I would never say things like that about anyone in your life."

Her brows arched upward as she blinked vacantly at me. "You want me to be nicer to your ex of four years who is always blatantly rude to me?"

"No," I shook my head honestly, bracing myself for this next part. "I don't want to get married. I'm not ready for it and I don't think we're the best match anymore. Honestly, I'm not sure if we were ever a good match. I think I was so desperate to get over Scarlett that I just wanted to be with someone else, and I know that's awful, and I'm sorry, but I can't marry you when I'm always thinking of her. It wouldn't be fair to either of us, but especially to you. I should have said this all earlier, but I just...I thought I could just force myself to get over her and I can't. I'm not ready for all of this."

Her expression very quickly changed from shock to pure anger, and I couldn't even begin to blame her for that. "Tell me that you're not leaving me the week before we're supposed to be getting married, Harry."

I took in a deep breath, but all I could seem to do was stare at her for an answer. It was a rhetorical question anyway; I think I made it clear what I wanted.

"For her?!" She suddenly shouted, gesturing to the door. "You're leaving me for her?!"

"I never said that," I frowned in confusion, but I guess that was what she would assume from my whole speech. Even so, I had no idea if that would be the case or not.

"God, I can't believe this," she laughed with her hands over her face. "My friends were all right about you all along. They knew that you didn't care about me as much as I cared about you, and when I told them about Scarlett, they were disgusted that you ever could have been with someone as trashy and disgusting as her."

There she went again, clearly ignoring what I already told her about that. "To be honest, Gabrielle, I don't give a fuck what your friends think about me or Scarlett. I don't care enough about them to let their opinions bother me, but this works both ways. You don't wanna be with me because of my past relationships? What makes you think I wanna be with you when this is how you speak of other people you don't even know?"

"Oh, so now it's my fault?" She barked out a laugh. "Wow, that's rich, thank you so much."

I took a step back as she jumped up from the couch to start heading to the stairs. "So, what now? You're gonna lock yourself in our bedroom and ignore me?"

"No, I'm getting your suitcase so you can pack your things and get the fuck out of here," she marched up the steps, and I could hear things shuffling around in the bedroom.

Maybe I should have reminded her that this was just as much my flat as it was hers, but it's not like I wanted to be there with her anyway. And even though I meant everything I said, that didn't mean I was happy to see her sobbing in the bedroom while she hastily started packing my things for me. I was aware of the bomb I just dropped on her and how unfair it was on my part to wait so long to tell her the truth. But if I'm so disgusting for being with Scarlett, then why was she so eager to marry me in the first place?

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