Chapter 66

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Five Years Ago

"Can I help you with something?" Scarlett came up by my side out of nowhere, and I knew that tone before I had to turn and see that look on her face.

"No, I'm alright, thanks," the blonde at the bar shot her a passive-aggressive smile right back. "We're just having a conversation."

"Great," Scarlett looped her arm through mine. "What are we talking about?"

Samantha blinked at her. "Well, Harry was just telling me that he doesn't have a girlfriend."

My eyes widened slightly before I looked down at Scar. "I told her that I don't have a girlfriend, but that I'm seeing someone–you, I told her that I'm seeing you."

"Right, but not exclusively," Samantha added.

"Yes, exclusively," Scar was quick to correct her. "So why don't you take your fake platinum hair and your faker lips and go find someone else to speak to? Maybe someone who might actually be interested in whatever you think you have to offer."


With nothing else to respond with, the blonde grabbed her bag from the bar and turned on her heels to leave me alone. We were only talking while Scarlett was in the bathroom, and by no means was I interested at all. I was only being polite.

"Was that necessary?" I asked, trying not to show how happy I was for her to get so jealous like that.

"Obviously," Scar scoffed. "She wasn't taking no for an answer."

"I mean the rest of it," I chuckled. "The hair, the lips."

She gave me that death stare she wore so well. "If you're interested, then by all means."

"Hey," I just barely caught her by the belt loop on her shorts as she turned away. Even then, she didn't bother looking at me, but kept her head turned in the other direction as I pulled her into my chest. "Look at me."

"No," she pushed at my chest, but her force was weak enough for me to know that she didn't actually want me to let go of her. "Don't touch me."

"Scarlett," I laughed at her dramatics and only held her tighter until she allowed her head to turn toward me. Her straight-faced expression was one she had perfected over time. "When are you gonna figure it out?"

"Figure what out?"

"That I don't wanna talk to anyone else, and I don't wanna see anyone else either," I clarified for what had to be the billionth time. "She just barely started talking to me when you went to the bathroom, and I told her that I was seeing you."

"Whatever," she muttered, still wanting me to work for it. "I don't care anyway."

"Oh, you don't care?" I laughed again, and that time she actually started to smile before she turned her head away. "Look at me when you say that."

"I don't care," she dragged the words out while focusing on my mouth, but her hands were on my waist to keep me close rather than push me away.

"You've got a bit of an attitude problem, Miss," I mumbled over her lips, and that was what earned me one of her cute smiles as she snaked her arms around my neck.

"What about it?" She stood up on her toes in her tall boots, forcing my hands down to rest on her ass until I tucked them into the pockets of her tiny shorts.

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