Chapter 26

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Six Years Ago

"Do you think we could do it again sometime? Soon maybe?"

I scrunched my nose to laugh at how seriously Harry asked me that as I pulled the sheets higher up on our shoulders. "You enjoyed that, huh?"

"Honestly? That was the best night of my life," he said, making me laugh harder.

I wasn't going to remind him of the fact that it only lasted about five minutes, but somehow, it was close to being the best night of my life too. Maybe that was because I had never been with a guy who appreciated me as much as he did.

I'd also never taken a guy's virginity before because I was usually turned off by the idea that the guy wouldn't know what he was doing. Don't get me wrong, I liked being the one in control from time to time, but usually, I preferred to be the one being dominated.

With Harry, though, I didn't know why I was so excited by the idea that he had never had sex before. I was shocked because he was so attractive and charming that it didn't make sense, but after he treated me with so much respect and cuddled me in my small twin bed last night, I thought maybe he was softer than I initially thought.

"Yeah, I had a nice time too," I assured him, but he scoffed quietly like he didn't believe it.

"You don't have to lie," he chuckled. "I know it wasn't as good as anything you've had before."

"That's not true," I argued. "I've had sex that lasted a lot longer than that and it was so much worse."

"Really? How?"

I shrugged, realizing I had never really thought about it too much. "I don't know. Sometimes the guy just didn't have a good rhythm or he was really bad at going down on me but insisted on doing it anyway like he wanted to prove something, or it was too rough or too soft, or...yeah, I don't know. Awful kissers, and cringy dirty talk. There are a lot of factors that go into it."

He nodded like he was surprised, as if he had never thought about all those things either. "Well, I think next time I can try being on top like you said."

Amused, I smiled at him as he kept his gaze focused on my shoulder. He was still too shy to initiate it first. "Okay, you can do that next time."

"K," he cleared his throat and adjusted his head on the pillow. "I also can't fucking believe you're my roommate's twin sister. What the fuck?"

I barked out another laugh as I remembered how that whole interaction went last night. He never told me his roommate's name within the first week of us seeing each other because I never asked; I wasn't interested. And Seth never told me who his roommate was because he didn't want this to happen, but I guess it did anyway.

"God, the look on his face," I sighed. "That was so fucking funny."

Harry groaned with his hand over his eyes. "I said so many things about you, though."

"What did you say about me?" I hiked my thigh up to rest on his under the duvet, so he naturally sort of slotted his leg between mine to be more comfortable.

"I told him you were the sexiest girl I had ever seen, I told him about how you gave me a blow job the first night we met and how I fingered you before that...Jesus Christ."

"Ew, okay, that's gross," I laughed. "But it's fine. Seth usually knows about my...extracurricular activities with the opposite sex. I don't think you said anything to him that would have been a surprise."

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