Chapter 81

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It's been two days since the trial ended, and even though the whole thing had absolutely nothing to do with me in the slightest, I still feel like we're all living in a brand-new world. That weight that was hanging over me and Scarlett during every second of every day has been lifted and it feels easier to breathe. And although she's been feeling under the weather since that day, I can tell that she's not carrying any of it with her anymore either. Granted, she now has duties to fulfill as Emma and Niall's wedding is approaching so she's more distracted, but I know her. She's doing better.

"So what are your plans while I'm gone?" She asks, swiping her favorite sticky gloss across her lips.

"I need to go to work and take care of some stuff and I'm just going to bring Max and a couple of his toys with me." That's not a lie, just not the whole truth of my day.

She pouts with her bottom lip sticking out. "You mean I'm gonna miss his first public outing?"

I laugh and watch her step into her dark brown faux crocodile-printed boots. "You're more than welcome to take him wedding dress shopping."

Her eyes widen at the idea. "Nevermind. You can keep him."

"Mhm," I grunt as I sit up on the bed and stand when she presses her fingers to her temples and closes her eyes.

"Are you sure you're feeling better to be going out? Maybe you should stay home."

"Mm-mm," she shakes her head. "I promised Emma that as soon as the trial was over, I would go with her to help her find a dress. Niall's mom is even here, I can't just not go."

"You could tell her you're not feeling well," I gently place my hand on her forehead to feel that she's still a bit warm, but she doesn't have a fever anymore. "It's not like you're lying."

"No, I'm fine," she insists with her lashes fluttering open. "I think I'm just dehydrated and I think I'm just finally feeling the effect of everything now that it's all over."

"You should eat something too," I push her hair back from her neck. "I can make you some eggs and toast or something not too heavy like that."

Albeit small, she starts to smile before she gives me a little nod. "Okay. Thanks."

"Mhm," I kiss her forehead and follow her downstairs where Max is just now waking up from his nap in his crate. As much as he's been growing, he loves to sleep during the day still.

Scarlett takes it upon herself to let him out into the backyard so he can run around and use the bathroom, returning about five minutes later. As he smells the eggs cooking, he stands on his back paws to jump on me as if I might feed him. His mother is to blame for that little habit of his.

"I've been thinking maybe we should send him to a real trainer," she suggests, sitting at the table to wait for her breakfast. "You know, like, puppy school."

I laugh at that image. "Yeah, that might not be a bad idea. I'll look into it."

Because I don't have to be anywhere for another hour and a half, I'm happy to sit with Scarlett while she has her breakfast and takes her time eating it. I can tell she's still having a bit of trouble keeping it down as she chews slowly and inspects each bit on her fork.

"Do you think scrambled eggs sometimes smell like wet dogs?"

I hang my head in defeat, half-laughing and half-groaning. "No, I haven't considered that scrambled eggs sometimes smell like wet dogs, but I'm assuming you don't want to eat it now."

She smiles sheepishly back at me. "Will you finish it?"

"You need to eat something, Scar," I take the plate from her, but she keeps her toast. "Not eating is going to keep you nauseous."

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