Bug & Care

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Severus had very few experiences with being ill.

Muggle germs rarely effected magicals and he had been ennoculated to wizard disease at five. Anything else was easily taken care of with a pepper up.

So, it stood to reason that when he does get sick that it makes up for all those missed opportunities.

Severus' stomach heaved violently, protesting painfully as he clutched the cool porcelain of the toilet.

Through the open door of the bathroom he could hear his friends over his gagging.

"Damn it Sev! What the fuck did he eat!? He's been vomiting for fucking days!" Vanessa swore from beyond the threshold as Paula entered the bathroom behind him.

The group had been studying in the dorms communal sitting area when Severus had bolted to the restroom.

Clenching his eyes shut, the young Fae forced himself to try and stop his stomach from heaving, but only succeeding in making his already aching abdomen give a sharp, tearing, cramp as punishment.

A sigh filled the bathroom as Paula brushed aside the sweaty hair at Severus' nape and laid a cool, wet, cloth onto the exposed skin.

"I'm not so sure it's food poisoning. The symptoms aren't quite right. He only pukes in the morning or when he smells something specific, he's lethargic, complains about aches in his back, chest, and legs and becomes spontaneously enimic. If we hadn't already checked for curses I would of been convinced someone hexed him!" The woman said as she crouched next to her friend, hand slowly rubbing his back soothingly.

"Or he's pregnant." Vanessa added unhelpfully, tone sarcastic and bored.

A loud snort sounded from the other room.

"Sev the prude, pregnant? If it wasn't for Bennett I would of been convinced our little virgin was going to end an old maid! They barely kiss let alone have sex, so I say we can safely rule out pregnancy!" Monty's voice said scathingly.

Luke's sigh followed their friend's statement.

Severus groaned, asking himself just why he decided this group of arseholes were to be tolerated in more then small doses.

Fortunately, before someone else continued along that stupid train of thought his stomach finally seemed to relax and the young Fae slowly rocked back on his heels as he tried to catch his breath.

"Remind me, why I associate with such dunderheaded children?" The ravenett managed to ask between breaths.

Paula rolled her eyes as she gently steadied him amidst two loud shouts of protest from the other room.

Once she was sure he was steady, she stood to re-wet his rag as he got his bearings.

Luckily for the Fae, the sudden episode of nausea past quickly and after another minute or so he was able to stand steadily by himself.

Rinsing his mouth and cleaning up, Severus slumped exhaustedly into the chair he had previously been occupying before his flight to the bathroom.

His friends look at each other, concern clear in their expressions as they watched their youngest member fight to keep his eyes open.

The vomiting had started almost a week ago and at first they didn't think much of it, coming to the conclusion that Severus had probably eaten something off, but like Paula had stated earlier, the symptoms didn't quite match.

Luke had to drag him to the infirmary after the third day of their friend getting violently sick, but they were all told to let it run it's course and were sent off with a stomach shooter and instructions to keep Severus hydrated.

Great load of good that advice had been.

The soothers did nothing and water was almost as hard to keep down as food for the Fae.

Cameron suggested going to a doctor off campus, but wasn't able to convince his boyfriend before having to leave to attend a tournament.


Severus' phone lit up with a text from where it was placed near his textbook.

Severus just glanced at it, eyes narrowing in annoyance, but if you look closer you can see the small sparkle of warmth in his gaze.

"Robin Hood again?" Vanessa inquired in a bored tone, absently flipping through her own textbook while texting on her own phone.

Monty scoffed as Luke picked up the device as it buzzed again, realizing Severus had no interest in investigating.

"Who else would it be? He's practically been a mother hen since he shipped out! He calls every morning and every night and texts every five hours for updates!" The man rolled his eyes, a look of scorn on his face.

Luke didn't look up from Severus' phone as he smacked Monty in the back of his head, causing him to receive a growl of annoyance back.

"Quit being an arsehole. Just because your allergic to romance and affection, doesn't mean you get to be a git anytime someone else expresses care for their partner." Vanessa huffed, tossing a glare at the man.

Monty just glare back before saying.

"Maverick Jones."

Vanessa didn't even reply to that verbally, but instead just tossed a notebook at his head, which he quickly dodged.

Severus ignored his bickering friends as he just tried to rest and regain some form energy, wanting continue studying, but it was like trying to wring water from a dry rag, hopeless.

Luke closed the young Fae's phone and set it back in front of the ravenett, saying.

"Bennett wanted to know if you were feeling better yet and to tell you he'll be back on campus tomorrow night." Severus just grunted, finally giving in and closing his eyes.

He was just so tired.

"Wake me up in an hour." The Fae said, already feeling himself drifting off.

Once again the group of friends looked at each other, all seeming to agree on their worries, but reluctantly let it be for the moment and quietly returned to their own work.

They all hoped Severus would get over whatever bug it was soon and resolved to themselves that if it didn't they would take Cameron's advice and take him to an off campus clinic for a checkup.

Even if they have to drag him there spitting and flailing, he would get the care he needs.


1019 words unedited

1034 words edited

Severus gets sick and is taken care of by his friends while Cameron was at a tournament

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