Hope & Fullmoon

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Severus held back an impatient sigh as he slumped into his chair in a dark corner of the common room.

The young Fae was currently waiting for Slytherin house to head up to dinner, so he could make his way out of the castle without any questions on where he was going or attempts to stop him.

But, the wait was starting to annoy Severus as he was anxious to start a new life away from this hell they called the best school in the world.

The young man snorted at the title, before scowling, irritable.

Time seemed to be going slower just to spite him and it was making Severus anxious to complete his escape before anyone caught on, but dinner seemed to take it's time in arriving.

Just as the young man felt like he would crawl out of his skin, he felt a familiar buzz on his palm and a piece of parchment appeared in his hand.

Severus stared blankly at the parchment, shock making him blink stupidly before his face twisted into a complicated expression.

The spell used to deliver the parchment was one that he and Lily had created in third year, it was used to send notes back and forth in class when they weren't paired together.

The spell itself had limits.

It was only able to deliver a small note and could only be preformed if one was familiar with the magic of the person the note was being sent to.

It hadn't been used in months, as only he and Lily knew about it.

Debating with himself, Severus wondered if he should open it or not, but thinking that Lily wouldn't have sent him a note if it wasn't serious, as she was still mad at him, the young Fae finally unfolded the small note.

Lily had been his best friend for years and he was leaving soon, so he gave in to talking to her one last time, even if it was indirectly through small notes.


We haven't talked in so long and I know I should have let you explain that day, so meet me? Please? I'll be waiting by the shrieking shack, tonight, at midnight if you accept come and we'll talk.


Shock and uncertainty filled Severus, he briefly doubted the authenticity of the note but he couldn't deny that it was Lily's hand writing.

The spell used was also only one that they knew, so he had to rule out it being some kind of sick joke.

Indecisive, the young Fae fought himself on what he wanted do.

Should he try to patch up his relationship with Lily?

But what would be the point?

He was leaving anyway and she was dating his tormentor and mate.

Although Severus didn't care for Potter the thought still made him feel uncomfortable.

A part of the young Fae felt he needed to clear the air with his childhood friend before he could finally leave peacefully.

So, hesitantly, Severus decided to delay his escape, just for tonight.

Severus stayed in the dungeons as the others went up for dinner, he was still avoiding the maruaders and he had no intention of seeing them again before he left Hogwarts.

Waiting till after curfew, the young Fae snuck out of the dorms and the castle, heading for the shack.

The full moon was bright and Severus paused to soak in the moonlight before continuing, sticking to the shadows to avoid being spotted from the widows and arrived at the shack as Manny peaked in the sky.

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