Bonus Chapter: Till It's Gone

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @Bonye 15 and another reader that I can't find for the life of me! You know who you are and if you're still reading this, sorry it took so long! Anywho, you guys asked and I did my best to deliver! I hope you like it!


In a tower a fire burned, it and the candles spread through the rounded office within lit the space inside, sending their light dancing along the walls.

Within the fire lit room a well known figure of the wizarding world sat behind an ancient desk.

If anyone had been in the room at that moment they would not have been able to feel the warmth of the flames, instead only feeling engulfed in the startling chill that seemed to ooz from their usually loving Headmaster.

Blue eyes that usually held grandfatherly love and affection had lost their cheerful twinkle, staring hard at the game board lying in front of them, cold and calculating.

A frown marred Dumbledore's face, pulling at the corner of his eyes, revealing a look of dissatisfaction and annoyance as he gazed at one of his chess pieces.

A pawn, simple and white, sat next to the board instead of on it alongside it's compatriots.

This piece.

This seemingly generic pawn, was the cause of the Lord Of Light's unhappiness.

This pathetic pawn, one that he believed he had once held firmly in it's place had escaped his board.

Dumbledore had thought he had finally broken the boy of his rebellion when he had shooed the aurors off and left him for Tobias to straighten out.

The way the boy had seemed to isolate himself further when he returned to Hogwarts had only strengthened this belief.

Everything had been going well and even the unexpected events of the full moon, caused by his star pupils were moving the Headmaster's plans along nicely.

What Dumbledore hadn't expected was for the tantrum Severus had thrown in the medical wing to be anything more then a fit of childish anger that would soon be snuffed out under the threat of being expelled and sent back to his father.

Blue eyes hardened further as he remembered the mocking letter the boy had left.

On that had threatened him, Albus Dumbledore, leader of the light.

He had attempted to find the boy, but the goblins where uncooperative by nature, let alone to people they do not like and Dumbledore had been high on their black list for decades.

The ministry had also ended in a dead end, as, somehow, the boy's magical signature sample and wand trace records had been lost.

This left the Lord of Light unable to cast a tracking spell using the boy's magical core.

The potions that he would need to brew to find the boy would take months to prepare and by then his plans would be severely delayed.

After starring harshly at the disobedient pawn for a moment more, Dumbledore's face smoothed out and became indifferent as he opened a drawer to his left.

Reaching within, he grabbed something and closed the drawer once more.

Extending his hand over the game board, the Headmaster placed a new white pawn in the once abandoned space upon it's surface, the new piece's finish gleaming in the fire light.

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