Death & Moonlight

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Screaming and yelling could be heard from a run down house in Spinners End.

The noise going unacknowledged by what few neighbors were around, all uncaring of the fate of the young man currently curled up on his bedroom floor.

A stout, broad man stood over the boy, continuously bringing his belt down in large arks on the already bloody teen, ignoring the boy's screams as he bellowed abuse at the boy.

"Worthless faggot! Lazy, ungrateful, freak! You cost me everything! You and your freak mother! My life was completely ruined by that whore and now I'm stuck with an ugly, useless piece of shit! I can't even sell you off! No one wanted a disgusting faggot like you!" The man spat, dropping his belt to start beating the boy at his feet, kicking his curled form and smirking in satisfaction as a sickening snap sounded followed by the boy's scream.

"I should have drowned you the first time you used your freak powers! Should have snapped your neck as soon as that bitch told me about how unnatural you are!" The man continued to rant as he brought his fists down on the teen.

"But no, I let you live and you repay me by calling your freak police on me!?" The man roared as he yanked the boy's head up by his hair and began wailing on his already abused face.

"I should have killed you last year along with your devil mother! Oh but I'll fix that." The man growled evil, his black hair falling into dark eyes as he sneered down at the teen.

The beating continued, the man taking pleasure in the boys pain and ignored how he was getting weaker until the boy stopped responding to the hits and lay still on the floor.

The stout man spat on the teen's broken figure before walking out of the room and slamming the door, leaving him there to die.

The room was silent except for the wheezing, rasping breaths from the boy laying on the floor, a puddle of his blood slowly growing underneath him. Black shoulder length hair was matted and stuck to his abused face, his clothes were in tatters, and his arm was twisted at a sick angle.

As time passed the boys breath got harsher and more strained, his lungs filling with blood, making him cough and choke until he finally lay silent, giving one last rattling breath.

Moonlight shown through the bedrooms window, the silver light crawling up the floor until it reached the feet of the cooling body of the teen.

The moonlight seemed to pause when it touched it, then come alive.

Swirling, and twisting the light moved almost like it was dancing before continuing it's path.

It crept up the still body, wrapping it in it's glowing tendrils and engulfing it before with a flash it seeped into it and disappeared.

As the light faded the young man's body jerked, before arching.

Skin shimmered, limbs lengthened, wounds healed, and features changed before with one last jerk the boy took in a gasping breath and once again lay still.

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