Hogwarts & Strangeness

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update! I wasn't inspired to write for awhile, then I had a no electronic week, and finally I got food poisoning TWICE in the same week! But, finally I found some time to write so here it is!


Taking a deep breath Severus calmed himself as he stepped through the wall between platforms 9 and 10, King Cross station.

He didn't linger as he continued to the train, easily reaching it as he had come early to avoid the crowds.

The Slytherin quickly found a compartment and warded it to the best of his ability, wanting to complete this ride alone.

Sighing, the young Fae thought back on what he had done that summer.

After he completed his circle Severus had felt like another piece of him had settled into place, a piece he hadn't known had been adrift and he could feel Manny's power more clearly, like it was more in reach then before.

His circle had finished settling only days before Hogwarts started, but Severus had not been able to use it as the rituals he wanted to perform next would require a long prep and specific moon fazes.

While the circle had settled Severus had read ahead in his school subjects and continued to brew potions for BB&B, having sold the shop enough to last most of his school year.

As expected his potions had become quite popular and sought after quite quickly and he had been all to happy to fill more orders.

Severus even agreed to let the shop owl him if they run out again.

Other then school shopping he had simply gone through his portfolio and made more investments while checking on his existing one, which proved fruitful at the moment.

Severus had done his best to absorb any and all knowledge he could, wanting to get top grades of his year, the good scores would help him get a good master for his potion apprenticeship.

The young Fae was also planning to see if he could find his mates at Hogwarts.

The books had said that more often then not, mate(s) are born close to each other and if not, they usually, end up near each other anyway, so it only made sense for them to attend Hogwarts with him.

The very thought caused dread and anxiety to churn in the young Fae's gut, hoping, almost praying, that they weren't one of the many people who laughed, encourage, or Merlin forbid joined in on the Maruader's many pranks and attacks upon him.

Severus didn't know what he would do if one or even if all of them had hurt him.

The Slytherin had just gotten his head around the fact he had mates to begin with and despite his fears he couldn't help the thin fragile hope that insisted on setting butterflies loose in his stomach as he thought of his mates.

If Severus' mates weren't in Hogwarts, then he would take his N.E.W.Ts, when they become available half way through the year, and test out to start his apprenticeship early.

Severus wasn't going to put his mastery on hold for anyone, not even his mates, besides if what the books were saying is true, the Fae had nothing to worry about and they would bump into each other eventually.

But, if his mates were of the many who had hurt him, well....

The young Fae wasn't going to be treated like shit, mate or not and he would ignore their bond and test out, leaving without a backwards glance.

Severus was startled out of his thoughts by the train whistle and the train jerking forwards, leaving the station.

The young Slytherin glanced out the window to see a crowd of parents waving at the train, wishing their children, who were obviously waving back, goodbye.

The sight twisted Severus' heart as he thought of how his own mother had stood and waved on that very platform every year to send him off, smiling despite the pain she was in from her bruises.

Turning his head from the window, Severus shook the thoughts from his head, not wanting to think about it.

Surprisingly the young Slytherin made it the rest of the way to the next station without incident, which put him on edge.

Never had he made it a whole train ride without the maruaders messing with him.

Sure, Severus had put up wards, but that had never seemed to keep them from getting to him before.

Were they waiting for him to let down his guard?

Did they have something big planned and as soon as he stepped off the train it would activate?

With that though in mind Severus hurried off the train in a group of first years and split into a crowd of Slytherin higher years.

He wasn't friends with any of them, but Lucius had warned anyone off of hurting him before he graduated, saying he was under his protection.

They ignored Severus while they flew to the castle and he kept quiet, not drawing attention to himself.

He still hasn't answered Lucius' letter concerning him meeting the dark Lord that summer, but the blond had sent more letters asking him to brew curtain potions just after he received his letter.

Severus could tell the older man was becoming impatient with him the way he had simply stated in the last missive that he would be joining the Malfoy family for winter break and he knew he couldn't avoid it without angering the older male.

Once they landed Severus made sure to stay with the older years of Slytherin, on high alert as so far he had made it most of the trip without the four pussy cats attacking him and usually he would at the very least been tripped or his eyebrows missing.

But as Severus sat down at the Slytherin table he was suspiciously untouched.

Confused, Severus looked over at the lion table.

His eyes widen and he felt hurt and betrayal lance through his heart.

Lily sat besides James Potter with his arm thrown over her shoulders, laughing with his friends like they had never once been at odds over him.

Severus knew that what happened between him and Lily had ended things, but seeing her, his ex best friend, the person he had trusted and loved above anyone else, sitting laughing and obviously dating one of his tormentors.

Tormentors she used to protect him from and claimed with every word that she hated...

It hurt something deep within Severus and he looked away, the fact he still hadn't been pranked or cursed was an insignificant thought compared to the mess of pain, betrayal, and uncertainty swirling inside him.

The young Fae tried to collect himself through the sorting, the headmaster's speech sounding far away and distorted, but by the end of dinner Severus just couldn't completely get himself under control.

The young man basically ran back to the dorms and collapsed onto his bed, shaking.

Severus had thought himself prepared to see his childhood friend and he had been, but what he hadn't prepared for was for her to be sitting next to Potter and even date him.

It hurt in a way that he had never experienced before and made him question every time Lily had told him she despised Potter.

Had she always like the prick?

Was her hatred for the boy only for show?

Had Lily only acted like that because Severus was her friend?

He didn't cry.

The young Fae was so sick of crying, but he did feel numb as questions continued to pop up despite his lack of answers.

As Severus finally pulled himself up to get ready for bed, his head still swirling, he didn't even register the strange fact that for the first time in his Hogwarts carrier he went to bed without having to free himself of curses, spells, and potions.


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