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When Severus woke the next morning, he stared at the canopy of his bed for awhile, still feeling slightly numb from yesterdays shock.

Lily and Potter.

His ex best friend and his bully.

It was hard for Severus to understand and frankly the young Fae didn't want to understand, afraid of what he could find.

Biting his lip, Severus decided to push the situation from his mind.

After all, Lily was no longer his friend, so why should he pay her any special attention?

As for Potter, Severus would just have to deal with him and his friends as they come.

Getting up, the young man grabbed his shower kit and headed for the dorm bathroom.

Now that he was away from his father and was earning his own money, Severus could make his own shampoo and body wash, so he could actually get clean when he showered.

Of course, no one would be able to tell as the young Fae had made potions that made him look greasy and oily as not to draw attention to his change.

Drying himself of, Severus dressed and headed out of the common room as the rest of Slytherin house started waking up.

Slipping into the great hall, Severus grabbed a quick breakfast before leaving, not wanting to stick around in case the sight of him made the Maruaders remember their favorite chew toy.

The young Fae wasn't in the mood to deal with them this morning.

Severus went back to the dorms and grabbed his school bag and headed for his classroom early, wanting to finish reviewing in peace.

The first class of the day was History of magic and the young man had already placed a silencing ward around himself, wanting to block out Binn's monotonous drawl, so he could focus on his work.

It was a little over an hour after he arrived that the other students start to trickle in.

Severus sighed when he saw the loud, fool hardy Griffindor enter the classroom, doing so loudly by the looks of annoyance on his housemates faces.

One of the lasts to enter was obviously the Maruaders and Severus couldn't help, but swallow the lump in his throat at seeing Lily walking at Potter's side, with his arm draped around her shoulders.

They took the seats to the left of Severus and surprisingly didn't seem notice him.

Taking a deep breath the young Fae calmed himself and started taking notes when the class started.

Once the class ended, Severus quickly got his things together and headed for the door, but as he did Potter and Black got into a playful tussle.

Somehow, they ended up tripping, and Remus, who had tried to break them up, was dragged down with them as they tumbled over.

They landed in the center of a crowd of Slytherin heading for the door, right in front of Severus.

The cloud of scent that exploded out, enveloped the young Fae and it nearly had Severus falling to his knees and whimpering, his shock the only thing keeping his legs under him.

Amber and sage.


Night air and leather.


Moss and fertile earth.


Fear, disbelief, dread, and an odd sense of betrayal swirled inside Severus.

The emotions fought to swallow him and the young man had enough thought to hurry around the still grappling boys and out of the room.

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