Gringott & Independence

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Severus quickly made his way up the many white steps and into the bank, surprised when he received a bow from the goblins guarding the door, but returning the greeting with a curt nod none the less.

Thankfully the bank was empty given the early hour and Severus went up to the closest teller, but before he could even open his mouth the goblin stood and bowed.

"Welcome young Fae. I am Flinthammer, the Great Spirit Moon said you would arrive and has asked us to set up an inheritance test for you." He said, stunning Severus.

Flinthammer stepped down from his pedestal and waved at the teen to fallow him as he headed down a nearby hall. The teen followed the goblin silently, somewhat lost in his own thoughts as he was lead to an office.

The goblin, Flinthammer, walked around a large desk and took a seat behind it.

"Please, have a seat and we can get the test started, it will take half an hour to process so I will have time to answer any questions you may have." Flinthammer said.

"Very well. What is it you need from me master Flinthammer?" Severus asked as he took the offered seat, deciding to be polite as his mother had warned him about being on the wrong side of goblins.

The respect made Flinthammer blink, but he kept a professional air about him as he placed a stone bowl in front of the teen along with a beautiful dagger.

"Cut your palm and hold it over the bowl, when there is enough blood the cut will heal." The goblin explained and Severus nodded.

The teen didn't flinch as he picked up the blade and cut his palm, holding it over the bowl.

The blood flowed freely, obviously helped along by some spell, until the bowl was a quarter full and the cut healed itself, not even leaving a scar behind.

Nodding the goblin took out a vial from his desk and poured the shimmering clear contents into the bowl, filling the bowl halfway before taking out a pure white feather.

He stirred the concoction until it was well mixed and set it aside, the feather still sitting in the bowl.

"Now we wait. Do you have any questions you would like to ask or would you like to save them until after we have your results?" Flinthammer asked.

Severus nodded, slightly on edge with how polite the creature was being. In his past interactions with them while they had not been unpleasant, they had been abrupt and impatient to get things done.

Straightening Severus prepared to ask the questions that had been nagging at him since the goblin had greeted him.

"Indeed." He began.

"My first is why you keep calling me a Fae? I am aware that I have just recently come into an inheritance, but I was unaware of what type. Am I to assume that by your address I am a Fae and if so, what type of Fae am I?" The teen asked.

Flinthammer nodded in understanding before answering.

"Yes, your are Fae. We could sense it as soon as you stepped into our doors, as for what type, you were blessed by the Great Spirit Moon so you are naturally a Moon Fae." He explained and Severus nodded thoughtfully.

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