Chapter 14-Regulus

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Regulus has no idea why Potter willingly had a second conversation with him. Now he was awkwardly standing in front of Potter after being dragged into the broom cupboard.

"So you are telling me that you regret rejecting her and you want to go on a date with her?" Regulus asked annoyed.

"Yes I mean I don't like her anymore but I still want her to be my friend which is unlikely since I embarrassed her in front of the whole school so I don't know what to do." Potter rambled

"And you think I care why? Because of the astronomy tower Potter I am not your friend and I could care less who you date and if you excuse me I have to go to my lesson because unlike you I care for my studies." Regulus rolled his eyes which made Potter frown.


"I am not my brother Potter."

"I know that."

"Do you really because right now it does not seem like it again Potter, I do not care hurt her feelings or don't."

"but the other day-"

"That was a one time thing it wont happen again so if you excuse me I am already late." He pushed Potter out of the way until he reached the door. Potter did not try and talk him out of it and was just standing still not making a noise.

Regulus hurried to his next lesson the hallway was empty so it was easy to walk through however he had to avoid Filches cat so that he wouldn't be caught out of class and get his first detention.

When he arrived at hid defence against the dark arts class he knocked on the door and all eyes turned to him the Professor did a tutting sound and told him to sit at the back. Luckily no on was sitting there which was a real relief since there where only 4 people that he tolerated. Dorcas, Evan, Barty and Pandora. He still remembers the first time he met his friends.

How he became friends with Dorcas:

It was his second day of first year when he was lost he tried to ask his brother for help on how to get to his class however as a joke his brother pointed him to the wrong class and he was absolutely lost. The class that Sirius showed him was the Potions class room which the second year Slytherins and Ravenclaws had.

And to be completely honest Regulus nearly cried then and there however Dorcas offered to show him his way. He has no idea if she was being kind or if she just wanted to get out of doing Potions but he appreciated it. Him and Dorcas hit it of immediately becoming friends she was the first.

How he became friends with Barty and Evan;

They where both Regulus' roommates however he barely talked to them until he heard a comment about Sirius being terrible and thats how they became friends which was a bit different then with Dorcas.

How he became friends with Pandora:

How he became friends with Pandora:

He didn't really ever talk to Pandora since she was in a different house. He knew of her however they propally interacted in their third year . Pandora was known as being odd and that you should stay away so that is exactly what he did.

One day however he overheard people calling her a cry baby because apparentley she was crying so he led his friend the other direction to the library and Regulus made the excuse that he needed a book. And then he went to talk to Pandora and she was extremley nice . Pandora was his best friend and every time that someone would say somethign rude he would make them regret it

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