Chapter 11-Sirius/remus

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a/n today it will be a bit different it will have two POVs wolfstar works their shit out-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sirius was freaking out he pretends that he does not care about his little brother and now he ended up in a fight because of  him with one of the nicest girls to exist.

And now Sirius was forced to sit in a room with Regulus  and his defensive best friend who apparently hated Sirius which was news for him but he did not mind her it was Reggie that was the problem he will be here because the fight was because of him. Pandora was shooting him a look which was screaming die.

5 minutes later  Regulus walked through the door and Dumbledore told him to sit. He was visibly confused and Pandora and Regulus shared a look that Sirius does not understand instantly Regulus starts to glare at Sirius.

"so the reason you where called Mr Black is because, other Mr Black and Miss Lovegood here got in a fight over you." Dumbledore began and he could see Regulus fiddling with his rings which Sirius new ment he was nervous.

"Yes sir i understand but why do i have to be here?" Regulus asked 

"Ah yes so I was wondering if you could contact your parents for a meeting?" He knew Dumbledore knew everything and he still is going to make his parents come in for a meeting.

"There is no need for that sir." Pandora said, Sirius was really glad for her she seemed like a good friend and they even each other out witth all the bad of Regulus he needs it.

"Miss Lovegood this does not concern you I have to talk with them privately and it's non of your business. You are excused Mr Black.. both Mr Black I will see you tomorrow at noon." Sirius was annoyed he hated Dumbledore. Sirius used to admire that man but he never bothered to help when he was having trouble at home. No that was minnie and he admired her now she was a lovely women unlike Dumbledore.

Regulus Pushed past him trying hard not to touch him, however Pandora barged into him. Sirius walked the opposite way to go to his common room he just wanted to be alone. 

Remus was still avoiding him and it hurt because all he wants to do is tell him that he liked him back and that was not so hard well it would not be a problem if he didn't take a 90 degree turn every time he tried to talk to him.



Avoiding  Sirius is harder then he thought. The urge to talk to him is big but if he did try to talk to him it would be instant rejection so now he is sitting in the common room all alone  everyone was at the quiditch game since Gryffindor was playing against Ravenclaw and they got a new seeker who is really good.

Remus was trying to distract himself by reading his favourite book,Pride and Prejudice,  but he can't concentrate. Remus groans and hits his head with the book. He hears footsteps and he assumes it is just a second year getting something that they forgot.

He does not bother to look until he hears the voice "Remus." the person breathes. Remus instantly freezes he has no way to go. 

"Your avoiding me ." Sirius says well no shit sherlock what else

"The world does not revolve around you just so you know." the minute Remus said that he regretted it.

"Was it the potion?"wow count on Sirius to go straight to the problem

"go on laugh at me." Remus says tears forming in his eyes

"I like you to-"

"Don't lie it hurts you know, that I am in love with you knowing it will never happen and then you are just standing there being cruel I am not just a good one time shag because I am not you ok." Remus shouted and Sirius flinched. 

Remus faked a smile thats all he needed to know Sirius was scared he turned around not bothering anymore.

"No Remus stay i'm sorry I  am serious  i like you and I want you to be my boyfriend I liked you for a while now here me out please." Sirius begged  and Remus still did not believe him so all he thought of doing was to look down. Before he registered what was happening Sirius kissed him and Remus mumbled an ok.

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