Chapter 9-Regulus

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He froze Regulus had no idea what to do. Dorcas pushed him up and he slowly walked to the front. He could die. Not that he cares if he lives or die, neither will anyone else. He was just embarrassed he had to do that comment about the paper work. Dumbledore gave him a dirty look he is probably disappointed that a Slytherin was picked. He dared to look back all eyes on him and he started to hurry a bit.

Regulus knew that there was another room behind the great hall. Victoria and Hun standing next to a glass statue. Victoria was so small and fragile how could anyone be so cruel and make her participate in such a deadly activity. Taking his attention away from the other two candidates he looked to the side seeing Barty Crouch Sr standing and Regulus glared at him. He wondered if Barty knew that his father was here he hoped not. Minutes later Dumbledore walked through the door.

"So the tournament will have 3 tasks, each time you will have to retrieve something.. We will tell you a few days before what the tasks will be to prepare you for it. It is hosted by Mr crouch here it is an honour. You can not have any help from friends." Dumbledore said while A women with a quill following her walked over she had a lot of make up on and white hair. " I am Rita Skeeta i will privately interview all of you and it will all go in the daily profit." She said with a piercing smile.

It was youngest to oldest so Regulus had to wait ages being the oldest and all. Each interview took one hour so he was in a dark room all alone for that time. When it was finally  Regulus' turn he  was dragged into a broom closet.

"SO your name is Regulus Black  and you are 15" She started it wont be that long until he can hide in his dorm. 

"First question do you have a lover? Being a Black and all." Regulus did not know how to respond " I could have one if I wanted." Trying  not to cringe at his own words.

"Ah,yes tell me about yourself." She continued and Regulus has two choices let her get unders his skin or hide and say things everyone already knows. He chose the later.

"My name is Regulus Black I am Pureblood also just became Quiditch Captain. My house is Slytherin."Regulus says with monotone , he has to hide that is the only way to stay safe and not get married. One wrong step and everyone would know.

"Ok." She said clearly not happy with his answer.

When the interview was finally over he raced out of there not wanting one more minute with that bitch. He knew who she was she was in her 7th year when he came to Hogwarts same year as Bellatrix.

His friends were quiet when he entered Evan seemed really upset and he wondered why. It can't be because he got picked so there is only one other answer.Barty. 

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