Chapter 3-James

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James loved the summer, but this was by far the best. He finally had a brother. The night it happened was not so great it was traumatizing. Sirius was better now he looked happy and was his usual silly self but the thing was that James had been Sirius' friend for years and he could tell something was off.

 James had no idea what, he wishes that he could talk to Remus because he would know but he promised that he will not tell anyone because Sirius does not want to be thought of as fragile.

Sirius was a lot more reckless since what happened. Like he wants to prove something, and James has not asked him anything about it because it was not his place. As much as he wanted to help it was Sirius' story to tell and if he was not ready then so be it, if he never wanted to tell James that would be fine. James just went along with everything that Sirius did no matter how hard it was not to say something.

Today was the day he would go back to kings cross station and he was excited. So when he went down for breakfast and saw how Sirius looked he frowned. Sirius did not speak at all through breakfast and he can not lie that it hurt . The minute that Sirius went through th e floo that day he decided that if Sirius was not talking he was not talking and it went like that through the whole summer. James still remembered the very first summer Sirius spent at his house in 2nd year  when Sirius and he where taking a walk through the park 5 or so boys where throwing racial slurs at James' face and Sirius looked confused at to what they where saying and so when the boys went and James started to cry, Sirius was there to comfort him and this time it was his turn. 

The ride in the car too the train station was really quiet at first Sirius was amazed at the vehicle but that excitement quickly faded. The station had that smokey smell that he had always enjoyed it was home well not quite it was the way to home. Of course he loved his mother and all but Hogwarts had his friends, brother, soon to be lover and that is all that mattered. So when he decided to stand still and think a certain black haired boy with grey eyes ran in to him. They stood there for a minuet starring at each other and Regulus mumbled an apology. 

You would think that it was normal for a person to apologise. But this was Regulus Black. He did not feel or even have a heart. He is a monster for letting his parents do this to his brother who loved and cared for him. No one could ever love someone like Regulus Black he was just a clone for his parents.

He had no idea why Pandora even hung out with him, probably because Evan Rosier is her brother but she is not just with Regulus when her brother is around. Pandora and Regulus seem really close. It's probably just  pity, I mean who would willingly hang out with that guy the only think likeable was his looks. Those black curls looked really cute and his eyes oh those eyes. But Regulus' personality was just a nightmare.

when Sirius came back he seemed to look worried and kept asking if he was ok . The truth was he was not ok, Regulus Black just apologised to him and not in a sarcastic annoying manner it was as if he ment it. James nearly tripped over multiple times lost in his own head. The train seemed smaller then he remembered and he kept bumping  his head on the metal. When they finally found their apartment there sat Remus book in hand.

"Sirius are you ok? I heard what happened by my dad." Remus asked which was a surprise since he never really talked to Sirius after the prank. Sirius seemed to have the exact same expression that James had and he stuttered an answere that sounded like a yes. "Oh Wormy said that he will come to Hogwarts a few days later he never told me why sorry." James said trying to change the subject when the trolley witch came James went all out buying the best of sweets for his friends it cost 2 gallions but he was fine if his friends where happy. Both Remus and Sirius' eyes lit up when they saw it and dived straight in done with in three hours. Everyone was bloated with pastry, chocolate and every flavoured bean. It felt normal for once in about 4 months.

He could tell the way his two friends kept giving each other looks when they think the other was not looking. Sirius came out as gay to James but he would never have thought that he liked Remus! well now it all clicked. The real reason Remus was so hurt that it was Sirius. James thinks something might have happened and he is determined to find out. His thought where interrupted when Lily came in and she was looking at remus " Remus, prefect meeting you will be late the head boy sent for me to get you." She monotoned and then left. " Guys we are doing this later not now." Remus said when both Sirius and he looked at Remus in surprise that he is a prefect.

When the train ride was finally over he  and Sirius went on one of the only horseless carriages that  where free which just happened to have Snape, Avery and Mulciber on. James glared at Snape "Oh where are your other towo minions? the one with scars and the fat one." Snape asked which made Avery and Mulciber laugh and before Sirius could punch them James responded "Oh Snively how cute that you are judging people by appearance, you have a greacy mob as hair and don't even get me started on your face. Plus I bet that all of Scotland can smell you." James put on a fake disgusted face on while Snape turned bright red. "Plus." Sirius continued "Your only friends are older and they don't even like you they just feel sorry for you." Snape instantly turned to his 'friends' but they did not deny it which just made Sirius and James laugh harder.

 the rest of the ride was spent bickering, and James felt a sense of relief when the carriage stopped and they could leave. Hogwarts was better then he remembered the great hall filled with candles the loud chattering and of course the food. Oh how he missed the food especially the first day back. Honey glazed chicken with mashed potatoe and veg . This was home. Remus was already sitting. And James realised how much he was going to miss this place. He only had two years left. when Dumbledore went to his usual place this time he felt that it was different because Dumbledore was smiling a lot more than usual. "Silence!" with that everyone stopped what they where doing. "We have come to a decision that no first years will come this year and you will stay the year you are in for 2 years which means one extra year of Hogwarts!" Dumbledore announced which made everyone clapp.

"So the reason for this is that we are hosting something called the triwizard tournament. It is when 3 schools come together to host a tournament where 3 students get chosen to be  competing one from each school. We will write the names of all pupils and put it in here, yes everyone has a chance of doing it the two chosen schools are Beaxbatons a school in france and Durmstrang a school somewhere in the sea." Everyone laughed at that and Dumbledore continued "Ok lets welcome Beaxbatons." About 125 beautiful girls came wooshing in and around the same amount of guys they all looked stunning and James could not help but blush when a cute blonde boy winked at him. Next was Durmstrang which was majority of boys came in with canes hitting them on the ground. None of the smiled at all but stood next to the Beauxbatons students in a neat row . "Ok so the Beauxbatons students will be staying in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff Dormetorys so that is why you all have more beds in each room. and the Durmstrang students will be staying in Slytherin and Ravenclaw dormitory that is enough you may all begin. With that everyone started to eat and James only just realised how hungry he really was.

He put chicken and loads of mashed potato on his plate with gravy on top. When Sirius saw how much he was eating he looked at James in utter shock but decided he was not going to say anything.and looked back at his plate. This was going to be a long year.

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