Chapter 8 - Remus

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Remus fucking hated Slughorn. Because of him all of his secrets are out there. Well the deepest secret anyway. Sirius knows. He knows, and that will ruin their friendship he probably will tell everyone that Remus is a Poof . No one will want to be his friend. Remus decided to skip the last few lessons and just hide out in their dorm. He was probably going to stay with the girls that night because they figured out how to get him up.

When he closed the door he gave a shaky breath hitting his head on it. He got his PJ's and waited until the girls finished their lesson in their dorm. He knew it was stupid  but the minute they came he could not hide his tears so they came pouring down while he was smiling. Lily and Marlene came rushing over and Mary went through her draw to get some tissues.

Lily was hugging him, they sat in silence for a while. Thats a thing with the girls they never force anything out of him the boys on the other hand will try to do anything to get it out of him.

"Ok how about we get some chocolate." Lily says softly pushing herself up and walking to the wardrobe. The girls always had a lot of chocolate in case something like this happened. Lily brought out one of the huge muggle shoe boxes full of chocolate that you can't get in the wizarding world. He thanked Lily and Marlene got fire whisky that they passed around. 

 "I hate Slughorn." Is all Remus said tears threatening to fall. Lily laughed she did this to make Remus feel like it was normal. He appreciated it really but sometimes it can get overwhelming "What did that bastard do now was it..." Mary said all three girls realising. 

"Potions, oh Remmy." Lily jumped to the other side of the room hugging him hard. Mary and Marlene looked at him sympathetically.

"So I was wondering if I could stay here for a couple of nights you know? I am not ready to face the guys not yet."Remus yes of course why not you can stay as long as you need for the next two years if the boys are being dick heads and I promise you if they are I will slit their throat." Lily said with a serious face which yes is scary but it also warms Remus' heart melted.

"Graphic image." Remus chuckled and Lily smiled back they all spend the night drinking and gossiping which is Remus' favourite part of the girls they are all great and sometimes he feels like he can talk to them more than the boys. That is also why Remus told the girls that he was gay and not the boys it's not that he thinks they won't be supportive, it's just they will probably be awkward about it which Remus would not like.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he got woken up by giggling and he had no idea how the girls could after that night.Remus groaned "Remus how can you still be asleep move your sleepy arse it's time to see who is going to the triwizard tournament!" Mary screeched and Remus forgot it's unlikely that Remus was picked, he hoped not.

However Remus still dragged himself up he hoped he did not have to face the boys.He got forgot his shirt so he begged Mary to get it since she always goes in the dorms anyway and it won't make much of a difference. 5 minutes later she comes back shirt and tie in hand he thanked her multiple times hurrying. He plus the the girls went to the great hall, the girls basically hoping. The usual tables replaced by many small tables to everyone could fit. They found a table of four where they sat patiently waiting for the rest of the students. After about an hour of waiting or so everyone was there and he could feel the marauders staring at him.

It's probably disgust he refused to look back at them waiting for Dumbledore to  stand. In the middle was a tall goblet with blue flames it made Remus feel small for some reason maybe it's the silver. Dumbledore finally stood up silencing everyone in an instance. 

"Good Morning, I know you are all excited to see who it is. You all are thinking that it is unlikely that it's you because there are hundreds of other students. You are mistaken if you are the one picked and your scared you can't do anything you will have to participate." Dumbledore started "Ok so lets get started." He shouted everyone cheering 

"The Beauxbatons student is Victoria Blu." A young girl who seemed to be young either 12 or 13 came forward. She is too young they surely can't do this right?
"Durmstrang student is  Hun Ya." This kid was not young he seemed to be at least 15 years older. This is the moment everyone was excited for.

"Now for my students I know that all of you are very excited, but calm down now." Dumbledore took the last piece of paper in his hand being purposely slow opening. "Are you sure.?" Dumbledore whispered to Mcgonnigal "Yes, it might be a lot of paper work but no special treatment." She replied.

So this must be a very rich pureblood child he hopes it's Mulciber he is a dick and sometimes he wishes he could use a Hatchet to chop it of. Dumbledore sighed "I will not do it , Regulus Black." That is the moment everything froze  

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