Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 6

Start from the beginning

You smile up at him "Morning" You watch as the corners of his mouth turn slightly upwards but you blink and his face goes back neutral.

"Morning" He mumbles as he takes off his suit jacket staring at you the whole time and damn he looks so good. The sight of him doing something so simple shouldn't affect you. So then why are you crossing your legs? You nervously bite your bottom lip and stare up at him as he puts his jacket on you. You take the time to scan his features you notice that he has a light stubble rather than his freshly shaven face and you notice-

"You're staring"

You turn your head to the side as you feel your face heating up crossing your arms in front of you.

"I'm not" He hums in response as he begins to button up his jacket that's currently on you.

"Let's go" Is all he says as he guides you to his car.

Once inside you notice there's an iced coffee sitting in the cup holder. When he finally gets inside from opening your door he notices that you're staring at it.

He clears his throat "It's for you" He picks it up and hands it to you as he backs out of the parking lot with his left hand.

"Oh thank you, I thought that was supposed to be a one-time thing" He just shrugs his shoulders as you take it from him.

You inspect the cup to see what's in it and you realize it's your go-to coffee order. An iced coffee with French vanilla creamer. Then when you see the name of the order it says "Mi sol". You immediately turn to look at him but once again his ears are red and this time it creeps up to his neck and face.

"Your ears are red again. Why does that keep on happening?" He just shrugs his shoulders again.

"Well thank you this is very cute of you"

Now he turns to look at you "Cute seriously?" He gives you an incredulous look that makes you laugh.

"Yeah, cute Miguel not only did you get me coffee you got them to write this nickname that you have for me. What does it mean, by the way, the nickname?" You begin to drink your coffee while you wait for his answer. You wait so long you feel like he's not going to answer so you reach over to turn on the radio flipping through the stations.

You hear him take a deep breath "My sun or my sunshine" This causes you to stop immediately and you nearly drop the coffee you have in your hands. He's been calling you his sunshine this whole time.....

"Can I ask why..." Your voice sounds so small and fragile that you can barely hear yourself over the radio.

"You were wearing your dress with sunflowers last Friday when I first......." You watch as he looks down at you briefly before turning his eyes back to the road.

He clears his throat. "Dunno it just sort of stuck, it makes sense" Silence falls between the both of you. You just don't know what to say. How do you respond to that?

For the rest of the ride, none of you spoke. It wasn't until you both stayed in the car even after he parked that he finally decided to speak up.

"If you don't like it or if it makes you uncomfortable then..."

"No no, I uh....I think I like it"

He raises his eyebrows "You think?"

"No no I mean I like it, it's cool or whatever"

He mumbles under his breath so low you can barely hear as he gets out of the car. "Cool or whatever en serio"

(En Serio= Seriously)

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