Roses for Bunny

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After getting into the cab, you told the driver to take you to the hotel's location but before that, you told him to stop at a store so you could purchase a new phone since Doyle took yours and crushed it.

Once you arrived at the hotel you fell on your bed exhausted, out of all the possible things you could do, you called Zoe wanting to tell her everything that had happened and the best thing out of all, that you actually survived it! Thankfully, you remembered her number and dialed the number on your phone, you waited her patiently to pick it up.

"Hello?",Zoe spoke hesitantly as she didn't recognize the number calling her.It was also 1am at night and she had no idea who could be calling her at this hour.

"Zoe!,it's me!,Y/n! Sorry for calling you so late,but I couldn't help myself!You won't believe what happened!"

"Miss!,I'm very sorry!,I didn't recognize the number and just woke up...,I wasn't able to recognize your voice..What happened?",Zoe said searching for her glasses on her bedside table.

"Something crazy happened Zoe!First!,I decided to go to a fancy restaurant but ended up being chased by those death row inmates and then as I was trying to escape one of them but he caught up with me and I had to make a run for it and hid inside a strip club but I didn't know it was a strip club but anyway,I got inside and then the manager there misunderstood me as one of the workers there and forced me to wear a bunny suit before taking me to the VIP area and guess who had to serve! It was Hanayama!,one of my coworkers!,the Yakuza boss!,he was the fricking owner of that place and I pole danced for him!"

"M-miss!,you said it too fast!I'm afraid I wasn't able to catch half of what you told me!-WAIT DID YOU SAY YOU POLE DANCED?!"

You explained Zoe everything,this time slowly and carefully and she managed to understand.She was confused on how you ended up in such a mess,but respected you for managing to get out of it in the end.

"I can't believe you did all that in one night Miss!I'm glad you atleast didn't get hurt..",Zoe whipped some sweat from her forehead moving her curly bangs aside as well before continuing.

"But that doesn't mean I'm not upset!,I told you to stay out of trouble!,please don't go out there alone again!It's too dangerous Miss!,you saw it yourself!"

"I got it!,I got it now!Don't worry Zoe,I promise you I won't do something like that again,deal?",you smiled hearing her scold you through the phone,Zoe was such a carrying person.

"Deal...",she sighed a bit hesitantly."You must go to sleep now Miss!, otherwise tomorrow you'll be too tired for work!"

"You're right..,it's 2am arleady...",you looked at the time before placing the phone near your ear again."Thanks for listening to me Zoe,sorry for keeping you up so late..".

"It's fine!,no worries Miss!I hope you sleep well!,and make sure to stay out of trouble!,you hear me?"

"I will!,I will!",you chuckled before hanging up the phone and placed it on the bedside table and was about to close the lights when your phone ringing..

"Did Zoe forget to tell me something..?",you muttered before picking up the phone and looked at the number calling you.You had never seen it before,you hesitated to pick it up,but seeing it insist,you eventually did.

"U-umm..W-who is this..?"

"You might be inexperienced in pole dancing, but you were stunning in that suit,bunny".

"W-what?Is this a prank call!Get a life!,it's fricking 2 am in the morning!",you yelled at the speaker but something about that voice seemed familiar.

"I don't mind playing games with you even if it is at this hour",the caller chuckled before continuing."I'll have a present for you as a thank you for tonight..,it was so hot seeing you squirming and struggling on my lap",the caller said before hanging up not leaving you any time to respond.

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