Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 2

Start from the beginning

"Oh so now you're ignoring me" You go back to facing your body far away from him leaning your head on the window again and pulling out your phone in the process. If you're going to be stuck in this car it's best if you get some work done.

Throughout the whole ride, Miguel steals glances at you and you're too engrossed in your phone to notice. The silence in the car is maddening and you're pretty sure you can hear a pin drop if you could. There's no music playing, clearly, no conversation is going on. He just has you both sitting there in silence. As soon as the car comes to a stop in front of your apartment you quickly book it. Causing your black hair tie with sunflowers all around it to fall on the floor of his car. You mutter a thank you before slamming his door. You set a fast pace wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. Fishing your keys out of your bag you try not to stop as you hear a car door slam shut. You don't have to turn around to know that it's him. What in the world could he possibly want now? Not turning around for him you quickly enter through the front doors practically running to the elevator. As soon as it opens you step inside frantically pressing the close button. The elevator door doesn't even make it halfway before a hand shoots in between them causing you to gasp and stumble back.

As soon as you see his face you see a scowl as he glares at you......Shit

He steps inside to the opposite corner crossing his hands in front of him. "I may be insufferable but I know better than to let a woman walk to her door by herself."

Oh....... he heard you when you called him insufferable this morning.....well it's not like you didn't want him to hear you but why do you feel like you're in trouble? You intertwine your fingers in front of you rocking back and forth on your heels. As soon as the doors open you make your way to your front door. You can feel him standing a few feet away sending daggers into your back.

You begin to unlock the door. "You can leave you know"

"I'll leave when I feel like it"

"Suit yourself" As you step into your apartment you remember that you had his jacket on you were so comfortable you didn't even realize. You frantically take it off. That's probably what he was waiting for dammit.

"Sorry I didn't- I forgot my apologies....Thank you " You walk over to hand it back to him pulling your skirt that somehow hiked up down. As you hand it back to him your fingers brush sending a bolt of electricity to your fingers causing you both to pull back immediately. You give each other a confused look before you slightly laugh tucking your hair behind your ears.

Walking back to your front door you whisper "Goodnight O'Hara"

You hear him take a deep breath. "You know.....I honestly didn't know about your sister being in the hospital if I.....if I upset you in any way I would like to apologize." What? Is this him trying to be nice? Truthfully you didn't even care about the comment he made. You were more upset that you ended up crying in front of him more than anything.

"Oh uh it's fine Mr.O'hara I truly forgot all about that......no worries" You give him a small smile and make your way back inside your apartment. Giving him a quick nod you close your door. You quietly slip off your shoes letting out a moan of relief your feet are aching. You walk over to your couch placing down your bag then you walk back to the door checking the peephole to see if he's still out there. To your surprise he still is. You reach down to lock your door not scared that he'll come in or anything but.....yeah. As soon as the locks click signifying that no one can come in he..he walks away heading down the stairs. Was he waiting for you to lock the door? He's just...he's just so weird you can't begin to understand him. One minute he's kind and apologizing to you for his behavior and then next he's giving you unprovoked rude remarks. You turn around and make your way to your room unbuttoning your shirt and getting ready to finish writing your paper.

As Miguel makes his way down the stairs it takes him everything in his power not to sniff his jacket. He's always disliked sweet things but as he gets a whiff of your perfume the smell of vanilla and cinnamon hits his nose wanting him to devour you whole. He absentmindedly grazes his hand over the bulge in his pants. It's a miracle you haven't noticed it, and if you did he's glad you didn't say anything. Finally making his way back to his car he throws his jacket in the passenger seat and runs his hand through his messy hair. The smell of you now mixes in with his own as he looks down and pauses as he notices you forgot your hair tie. He slowly leans over to pick it up, twirling it slowly in his hand and inspecting it as he puts it on his right wrist. He looks down at his pants and lets out a breath of frustration as he feels his cock straining waiting to be freed. He knows that he can't wait till he gets home; he has to deal with this problem now. Putting his car in the auto drive he slowly unbuckles his belt with one hand and unzips his pants as he palms his hard length through his boxers. He lets out a shuddering breath and he slowly pulls out his cock that's glistening with precum. Over the past 3 weeks, his right hand has been wrapped around him frequently and he has you to blame. Not once has he jerked himself off without thinking about you and every time when he finishes he's left embarrassed and wanting more. Miguel knows that his hand will never be enough; he knows that he needs to feel your tight cunt wrapped around his dick in order to be fully satisfied. He leans his head back and strokes himself 4 times before setting a steady pace. He closes his eyes as his mind drifts to when you wore dresses that showed off every hypnotizing curve of your body when you wore dresses that showed off a respectable amount of cleavage. His heavy breathing fills the car as his mind is now consumed by you.....but it's not enough. Miguel imagines fucking you on the very same desk he's going to be seated at tomorrow. He imagines you voluntarily spreading yourself wide open for him. He imagines your perfect tits bouncing with every thrust of his hips. He imagines the sounds you'll make as he fucks you into oblivion.

"Fuck....." he says through gritted teeth. Sweat begins to form on his skin as his waistcoat and shirt suddenly become too restricting as he jerks himself off thinking of you. His pace quickens and his hips begin to meet his hand as he imagines what your pussy will look like filled with his cum. The image alone is enough to send him over the edge. He wonders how you would react if he decided to take you in the backseat of his car tonight leaving you in nothing but his jacket. Would you have let him? He wonders if you would've smiled while his hand wrapped around your throat as he demands you take every inch of him.

"Come on.......come on" he has to bite down on his lip from letting out a whimper as he releases into his hand. His hips stutter and his hands slow down as his release shoots on the steering wheel and drips down his hand getting dangerously close to your hair tie. Not wanting to ruin your pretty hair tie he looks for something to clean himself off. As he rapidly wipes his hand off his hand he stares at your hair tie. What are you doing to him? He's never been THIS affected by a woman let alone someone he works with. So why are you slowly infiltrating his mind? Why are you consuming his thoughts both inside and outside of work? He needs to figure something out and he needs to do it fast. He can't go on the business trip with you feeling like a major hornball. Finally tucking himself back into his pants he realizes what he needs to do.......he needs to get laid by someone who isn't you.

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