Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT 1

Start from the beginning

"Standing you up?...Mr. O'Hara what are you....you know what I'm not even going to bother. My sister, she's in the hospital for your information. I want to be there for her while undergoes her treatment." You turn your head away from him. Dammit, you should've just let him think that you had a date this weekend instead of telling him about your sister. You don't tell no one about your sister, not even your best friend. You can't deal with the empty "I'm sorrys" pity in their eyes. You can't take it anymore. All your life you had to deal with it when your mom died, when your brother died, and now with your sister the last bit of family you have left.....You always wondered why didn't the universe take you first instead of them. Shit when did you start crying?

He takes a nervous gulp. "Oh...I didn't know. How about next weekend?"

His words snap you out of your thoughts "I have an exam on Friday I can't-" You quickly wipe your eyes.

He sighs "Friday night then"

"Okay that's fine"

"Anything else, your highness?" He runs his fingers through his hair before taking a step even closer to you. He's standing so close you can smell his Cologne and it's intoxicating. You scan his facial features. He has a freshly shaven face, hazel eyes, he has a small scar on his left eyebrow and his lips are so.....He clears his throat knocking you out of your trance.

"Take a picture and it'll last longer" He smirks

"Oh please don't flatter yourself"

He smiles..... he fucking smiles. "I believe you have work to do. The longer you stay out here the longer you're stuck with me" He says while angling his head to your office that's a few feet away from his.

"Whatever Mr. O'Hara" you smile at the thought of being stuck with him......maybe that won't be so bad if you and him are stuck in his office. You sitting on his desk while his hands are outlining the curves of your body and you-

What the hell was that.....maybe you're ovulating there's no way you should be thinking of your boss like that. With a heavy sigh, you nod your head and turn around walking to your office. You can feel his eyes trained on you.

Miguel stands there watching you leave noticing every sway of your hips. The way your hair bounces with each step you take he notices everything about you. He also knows how much he annoys you with his demanding requests but he's going to take every chance he gets to be with you. He also notices how strong you are. Most secretaries couldn't even make it to a month before they turned in the resignation letter. He wanted to see how much you could take he wanted to see how far he could push you until you'd break but here you both are 2 months later bickering like a bunch of teenagers. He loves the playful banter between the two of you and he also loves how you're not afraid to put him in his place. Or tell him whenever he's getting out of hand. He's even more excited to go on the business trip with you...he knows there's an attraction between the both of you and none of you will act on it. Truthfully he doesn't want to make a move and scare you away and ruin what y'all have. With a groan of frustration, he turns around and continues the work he had left on his desk.

It's 8 pm by the time you're finally done with your work. Letting out a breath of frustration with tired eyes you close your laptop running your hands over your face. You're tired, you've been staring at paperwork and the computer screen all day, and of course, you have to stare at a screen, even more, tonight when you get home in order to write your paper. As you pack up for the evening you look at the door, your eyes locking on the light that is shining on the other side letting you know that Miguel is unfortunately still in his office. Sometimes you have a love-hate relationship with having a connecting office with Miguel but right now you hate it. You just want to exit the building without running into him. You quietly open your door, sticking your head out, you let out a quiet "yes" when you see that his desk is abandoned Miguel nowhere in sight. Maybe he just forgot to turn off the light....??? You were able to make it all the way downstairs to the front door of the building. You exit the building oblivious to your surroundings as you begin to call yourself an Uber on your phone. Hugging yourself slightly because of the cool air.

"You don't have to do that" you nearly jump at the sound of the deep familiar voice, his voice coming from somewhere behind you. Shit you thought he left.

You snap your head over your shoulder "Dammit Mr.O'Hara you scared me. I don't have to do what?" You ask raising your eyebrows

"I'll take you home, cancel your Uber"

"No that's not necessary Mr.O'Hara"

"I'm not letting you go home this late in some random strangers car"

You roll your eyes. "It's 8:06 and I do it all the time and I'm still alive so please" You hug yourself even tighter the cool breeze throws the loose strands of hair from your ponytail in your face causing some of them to stick to your lipgloss. You groan at the feeling

Miguel stares at you for a moment before he begins to take off his suit jacket, his eyes locking with yours before they fall to your lips the wind tousling his own hair around. He walks over to you jacket in hand and before you begin to protest he stares down at you as he places the jacket over your shoulders. You are engulfed immediately by the smell of him. His jacket almost swallows you whole. He lifts up a hand hovering it over your face briefly before he tightens his jaw and places his hand back into his pocket. Walking away from you he leaves you stunned, confused, and slightly aroused at the close proximity you two just shared.

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