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Mara's curiosity knew no bounds as she observed her mom, Pendo, and a man named James talking to the lady at the big desk in the hospital reception. It all seemed so grown-up and serious, but then something caught her attention – a friendly face in a white coat, the same man who had helped her in the hospital. Without hesitation, Mara wheeled herself toward him, her tiny hands expertly manoeuvring her wheelchair.

"Daktari!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of excitement and admiration.

Turning his attention toward the source of the energetic voice, Dr. Femi couldn't help but smile as he saw Mara making her way towards him. He adjusted his path, crouching down to her level with a warm and approachable smile.

"Well, hello there, Mara," he greeted, his voice soft and friendly.

Mara beamed up at him, her wide eyes shining with enthusiasm. "where have you been miss you" she said shyly, as if every word was carefully chosen.

Dr. Femi's heart melted at her sincerity. "Oh, thats sweet, Mara. I see you have been working  hard, good girl" he replied awkwardly

Mara's excitement bubbled over. "you're nice. I like you."

Dr. Femi chuckled, deeply touched by her innocence. "I'm glad I like you too. You know what? You're  a real superhero."

Mara's eyes sparkled with delight. "Superhero? Like Spiderman?"

Dr. Femi nodded with a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Just like Spiderman."

As they exchanged these words, an invisible bond seemed to form between them. The bustling reception area seemed to blur as they shared a simple yet profound moment of understanding. In that instant, Mara felt a surge of joy and reassurance. Dr. Femi wasn't just a doctor; he was someone who cared, someone who made her feel safe in a place that could sometimes be scary.

As Pendo and James concluded their conversation with the receptionist, they spotted Mara chatting animatedly with Dr. Femi. The sight of Mara's animated expressions and the doctor's genuine attention filled Pendo with gratitude. Little did they know that this innocent exchange between Mara and Dr. Femi would become a cherished memory.

With a beaming smile, Mara turned towards James, her eyes brimming with excitement. "Mommy, this is daktari! i am Spiderman!"

James, caught off guard by Mara's enthusiam, raised an eyebrow and exchanged a surprised glance with Pendo. Dr. Femi, appearing both humbled and pleasantly surprised, extended his hand for a handshake.

"Hello, Dr. Femi," James greeted, his tone polite but with a hint of curiosity.

Dr. Femi shook James' hand with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you."

As the introductions took place, Pendo watched the interaction unfold with keen interest. The way Mara lit up around Dr. Femi hadn't escaped her notice, and she couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and a touch of amusement at the dynamic between the three of them.

Mara continued to chatter animatedly, recounting her experiences with a sparkle in her eyes. James listened, his gaze alternating between Mara's excitement and the doctor's attentive responses. A subtle thought crossed his mind – why did Mara seem to glow around Dr. Femi? Why was it that the doctor could elicit such an enthusiastic reaction from her?

Pendo's observant gaze captured the nuance of the situation. She had seen the growing bond between Mara and Dr. Femi during their time in the hospital. She had witnessed Mara's comfort and trust in him. And now, as she watched James and Dr. Femi engage in polite conversation, she couldn't help but ponder the contrasts and connections between the two men in her life.

In that moment, the unspoken dynamics seemed to swirl in the air – the admiration in Mara's eyes, the curiosity in James', and the curiosity that gripped Pendo's thoughts. 

With a warm smile, Dr. Femi bid farewell to both Mara and Pendo. "Take care, Mara. Keep up the good work, okay?" He then turned to Pendo, his eyes holding a mix of professionalism and kindness. "Ms. Pendo, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns."

"Thank you, Dr. Femi," Pendo replied, her voice holding a touch of gratitude.

Mara's gaze lingered on the doctor, her admiration for her "superhero" still palpable. "Bye, Dr. Femi," she said softly, a hint of longing in her voice.

As Dr. Femi walked away, Pendo and Mara exchanged a knowing look, their connection solidified through shared experiences. However, their awareness of the moment stood in stark contrast to James' oblivious demeanour.

James, distracted by a call on his phone, excused himself from the conversation. He stepped aside, engrossed in his conversation, unaware of the lingering atmosphere. Mara's lingering admiration and Pendo's quiet introspection seemed to go unnoticed as he navigated his own priorities.

Pendo watched James, a sense of resignation mingling with her curiosity. It was a snapshot of their ongoing struggle, the contrasts in their focus and attention laid bare in that ordinary yet revealing moment.

Meanwhile, Mara's gaze remained fixed on the spot where Dr. Femi had disappeared from view. Her smile, like a secret she held close to her heart, lingered even after he was out of sight. Her admiration for her "superhero" had only grown stronger, and in that fleeting moment of connection, she felt a bond that transcended the ordinary.

As James wrapped up his call and re-joined them, the atmosphere shifted once more. The dynamic between them was a mosaic of emotions – Mara's smitten admiration, Pendo's quiet contemplation, and James' preoccupation.

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