Chapter 7

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A/N: Hahaha I'm mostly used to writing in 2nd POV but I'm trying to get used to writing in 1st POV (It's still weird to me tho) Pls let me know which one you like better 

Also I just wanna apologise for my writers block cuz it's been almost 2 months since I've updated but hey I'm here right now :)


I could hear a bit of mumbling come from Enzo, the only things I made out was 'SHIT', 'OMG' and a 'What do I do??' before it slowly vanished as if it was a stone falling into a well, fading from sight, but in this case my hearing. Soon, the smell of copper filled my nose as I could feel Enzo squirming around, I think he was holding his wrist. But I didn't care, I was getting my sleep.

The last thing that crossed my mind was...


Too bad I can't see him...

Little did I know, in that one dark corner, a pair of red eyes were watching me with a lovesick grin...

-End Of Recap-

(Y/n)'s POV:

A year had passed since I had found my long lost best friend. 

I still wondered what we were but I couldn't find the courage to ask, afraid the wall between us would thicken and it would become even more awkward than before. He would visit time to time, nothing dramatic like being attacked would happen like in those wattpad stories. Though he did stop flirting with me and stayed extremely distant from me out of nowhere, it broke my heart but I couldn't just tell him I liked the attention and love - That would be weird + creepy.

I decided to go for a walk outside to clear my thoughts, changing out of my (f/c) pajamas and into a white turtleneck sweater with some light greyish sweatpants. Hmm... Somethings missing.. Oh, I also added a (f/c) cardigan and tucked my necklace under my turtleneck.

(Of course if you don't like it you can pick anything else that matches your aesthetic:)) 

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(Of course if you don't like it you can pick anything else that matches your aesthetic:)) 

"Hey I'm going out! I'll be back in under an hour!" I yelled, specifically to Enzo. "Alright! try not to get yourself killed!" He joked, popping out around a corner. I gave him a deadpan expression meanwhile he chuckled at my reaction. I tugged the handle down and pulled the door to the outside open. I didn't really think of locking the door because I already knew Enzo wouldn't go anywhere - I mean HE'S ALWAYS ON HIS LAZY ASS SCROLLING THROUGH EITHER PINTEREST, WATTPAD OR TIKTOK HUDDLED UP IN HIS ROOM LISTENING TO MUSIC.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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