ashes to ashes

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———————————————————————————-THE END OF THE WORLD wasn't a future anyone could have predicted

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THE END OF THE WORLD wasn't a future anyone could have predicted. Mankind was too technologically advanced. Moved too far past the unsuspecting possiblity of an extinction event.

Yet, human's own hubris became their downfall.

Unbeknownst to all, the disease which would go on to cause the apocalypse was already among them. Weeding out the good, and the bad — as the virus didn't discriminate — seeping its way into every crack of their lives, until nothing, and nobody was left.

People soon realized the flesh-eating monsters risen from the dead were their friends and loved ones, come a new by a mysterious contagion. Armed with a mask of pure unrelenting hunger as they sunk their teeth into the flesh of those they once loved as ferociously as their corpses killed them. Adding even more bodies to the unstoppable army of the dead.

In only eleven weeks time, the war between man all monster halted. No one side claiming victorious. The dead, geeks, walkers? Still driven by the same unquenchable thirst for human flesh. Forever cursed to roam the earth in search of their next meal; never satisfied, never tired. No sign of ever meeting the peaceful end death once brought.

And those poor suckers still alive? The survivors? Life as they knew it completely destroyed. All branches of government. All parts of the military. Everything they've ever known? Gone. And in its place a new world took form. Fueled by an age old instinct of survival at any costs.

Even if that very cost was the only thing separating the monsters from the people; a human soul.

Lucy Grimes, was a lucky girl. Her parents, younger brother, and uncle all surviving the initial outbreak. Seeking safe harbor among a rag-tag group of survivors on the outskirts of Atlanta. And unlike most, she wasn't afraid of what came next. Knowing deep in her heart, humanity would persevere.

Call it naive hope if you wanted to, but she saw the world for what it was; a place of universal kindness, or universal darkness — depending on what corner you chose to look upon. With the help of those left alive, she believed more than anything in uniting with those left. Finding common ground with your enemies, and showing continued love and compassion for your allies. They could all make it through this nightmare if they stuck together till the world returned to normal.

Truth be told, Lucy was more unprepared for the end of the world than she let on. Most were, and suffered from it. Yet the teenager's constant devotion to those she loved caused her more heartache than she ever knew what to do with. Love had killed her mother. Betrayed her father, and turned her little brother into a killer. The world wouldn't go back to before, and in this new ugly world. There was no room for kindness Even if Lucy couldn't see that unfortunate truth just yet.

Survival, was all that mattered now. When they world fell, only the strongest meanest bastards survived. And they did so by only looking out for themselves.

For Sidney Harmon, surviving day to day was always a gamble. From a time before he could remember death was an old friend. But he was used to being an anomaly. And he would fight to his last breath... For himself and for his family.

Yet when the going gets tough, survival isn't always easy. Sometimes the easiest thing you could do is lay down and die. Especially when there was nothing left to fight for.
Hello everyone,

Thank you for reading my fic, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is my first Walking Dead Fanfiction but I've loved the series for so long that I thought I'd give it a chance.

Lucy Grimes and Sidney Harmon are two of my favorite characters I've ever made.

I don't own any of the rights to the walking dead, its franchise, characters, or storylines. All rights go to the respected owners. I only own my characters, and the story arks I've created for them.

⚠️ Trigger warning applied here for the whole story. I am only putting a trigger warning at the chapters I think it to be necessary. However, be warned this story is dark and violent at times, and you may get triggered anyway. Read accordingly.

*Some of the gifs I use I did not make; therefore the credit to them goes to their original creator.

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