Doctor Anton was the only GP in the village, most people came to him for emergency's because the nearest hospital is 45 minutes away in Tisdale City. Amelia was lying on examining bed and  Dr Anton was conducting a series of tests "and you say you found her like this?" he asked. "yeah i brought her straight down" she said, "is she going to be all right?" she asked. he turned to face her, he didn't look to worried, "yes, you got to her just in time. shes some how lost a lot of blood, and her body hasn't got enough energy being transported around the body because of this so new blood can't be make." he said picking up a prescription sheet and signing it "if you hadn't found her she would be dead. i've given her something to give her red blood cell count a bit of a boost and I'm going to give her a prescription of iron tablets to take over the next few weeks. she's very lucky, what ever made these marks" he indicated to messy puncture wounds on her neck that she had been covering up with a scarf "could of killed her" she had a good idea what or should she say who made those marks; she knew there was something wrong about him, he's obviously sick in the head, biting girls isn't normal.

Hannah looked at the bite marks feeling slightly queasy, how could he do this to someone? she thought. "anyway, i suggest she stays in till later on this evening or tomorrow morning to i can keep an eye on her" he said "i best call her mum" he left the room. A few minutes past and she lay there unconscious, her face was still pale but it was getting better, her eyes started to flicker open. "hey Amelia"Hannah say gently moving so she standing by the side of her bed, "who did this to you" she asked trying to get some evidence to back her up when she confront Klaus, if she confronts Klaus. "did what?" she asked confused, Hannah pointed to her neck, "ohh that. its nothing." she said falling back to sleep. Hannah left just as lady Andrews arrived in hysterics.


Standing out side Klaus mansion, Hannah was about to turn around and go home. It was crazy she should leave this to the police, though something told her that Amelia wasn't about to report her beloved Klaus. "hello sweat heart" She heard his voice and turned around to face him, "whats wrong couldnt stay away?" he smirked. "i don't know what you game is but you need to take it easy on Amelia, she all most died and i know that you are responcible." Hannah said keeping calm on the out side but her heart was frantically raising on the inside. "really?" he said circling her looking insanely amused by the whole situation "and what will you do if i don't 'take it easy'?" he asked. "i'll call the police and report you" she said only making him smirk bigger. "i will take that in to consideration, but of course if you want me to lay of Amelia i'll need  someone else to amuse myself with; like i said, i detest small towns there so boring, you volunteering to take her place love?" he asked taking a few steps closer to her she took a few back. "you just leave her alone!" she says and walks of, she hears him chuckle but he doesn't follow.


Hannah couldnt wrap her head around what he meant, she thought about it all day. She was sat on the sofa in the front room watching deal or no deal with uncle jack when they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Lady Andrews hugged her the second she opened the door. "oh Hannah thank you so much! i need to talk to you child!" Hannah wasn't sure how to respond, aunt Elena had gone to the shop, and uncle jack really wasn't into the whole company thing; she decided to invite her hear and make a cup of tea, she didn't want to seem rude after all. "Did Amelia say how it happened?" she asked blowing her tea so it was cold enough to drink. "no" Lady Andrews said, "but Klaus explained it all to me, i've just been there now!" she added. "what did he say?" Hannah asked knowing full well she probably lied to her. "He got bored, that's all there is two it" she said, Hannah couldn't believe she was hearing this. "and your okay with him doing this to you daughter because he was 'bored'?" she asked shacked. "of course we cant have him getting bored now, you should be more like Amelia you know, maybe he'll use you as well sweet haert" she said finishing of her tea, she didnt sound like herself she sounded like him "i best get back to Dr Anton and see how she doing" Lady Andrews left.

Hannah stood in the kitchen dazed for a moment, did she really just hear what she thought she had? Lady andrews words echoed in her head like a bad dream. Either way at leaste now she knew Klaus was responcible. She washed the tea cups and put them away when Aunt Elena entered, "Was that just lady andrews leaving now?" she asked whilst putting the shopping away. "yes she just came in to thank me" i said sparing all the wiered details about there convosation. "well that was nice of her. By the way you'll never guess who i ran into at the shop" she said but didnt give hannah a chance to answer "klaus and he told me to give you  message, aparantly you spoke earlier?" she asked. "what did he say?" hannah asked abit worried about how much he told her. "just that his offer still stands" she said, "what was the offer?". hannah thought what would happen if she told her aunt that the new mystery guy in town was the one who hurt amelia withotu her realising and wants to do the same to hannah. "just that he wanted to get a drink sometime, but i told him i was busy" she said and left before her aunt could say anything.

That night she tossed and turned in bed, all of her nightmares consisted of him, when she woke in the middle of the night she swore she could feel his eyes on her but she knew it was just her head playing tricks on her. When Hannah cant sleep she normally reads or writes but she didn't feel like it like night, or early morning as it was when she finally gave up trying to sleep. She logged on to her computer and did something she had never really done before, she googled Nicklaus. It didn't come up with much other then a few random old people that wer'nt the Klaus she was looking for. She felt stupid for even trying, she didn't even know the guys full name. then she had the genius idea of going on to Amelia's facebook page, this was the first time she had been on facebook in months, she didn't even know why she had an account.

The facebook page didnt turn up much either, aparantly he wasnt on there or just didnt have her as a freind. She couldnt understand why she wanted to find him, or why she was letting him get inside her head like this. He just got to her somehow. She turn her laptop of and put it bag in its case. That was a waiste of time. She went down stairs and got herself a coffee and a book. She hated instant coffee but it was all aunt rose ever got in, and as for the book she had allready read it but unless the libabry was open at 2 in the morning she didnt have much of a choice. Every so often she would hear a faint whisper creep the house 'Hannah' it would say, she put it down to her nerves, the name as her dreams. Klauses voice was just inside her head as well as her dreams.

Shouldnt I? (klaus love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon