"Yeah, pretty much, except you can push people in the void in this game," Tubbo said excitedly, making him sound unhinged.

"Only you could be excited about pushing people in the void," Ranboo joked until he realised that they were actually outnumbered with that opinion as Tommy, Tubbo and I all agreed that we wanted to annoy as many people as possible this game, while still trying to get low placements.

For tgttosawaf we all quickly came up with our own strategy before the game started. Tommy's only goal was to make Wilbur's life a living hell but if he was able to annoy Phil or anyone else he saw it as a bonus (in his own words he's, "A loveable kind of annoying," to his friends which we all immediately disagreed with). Tubbo just wanted to cause mayhem so he decided he wanted to knock anything that moves into the void and just hope they weren't on his team. I decided to try and target the teams ahead of us in points and Ranboo just wanted to try to get ahead of everyone by using the knockback and hope he doesn't get pushed into the void.

Once we decided how we were all playing, the game began and only a few seconds in I heard Wilbur yell, "Fuck off Tommy," I looked over to where I heard Wilbur and watched as the tall gremlin child chased after him and pushed Wilbur in the void.

After laughing at wilburs expense for a brief moment, I decided to target the first person I saw who was in a team who had more points than us. It only took a second before blue hair caught my attention and I'd found one of my targets, "HI SCOTT," I shouted and pushed him in the void, not giving him any time to react.

We were all able to finish and even got a second full team finish bonus thanks to Tubbo pushing off a few faster runners from some of the teams. Sadly, Tubbo's tactic only worked for the first couple rounds since other players realised what he was doing and were avoided Tubbo or push him in the void instead. I was able to slightly hinder one or two teams with more coins each round, Ranboo was able to get good placements by using the knockback and Tommy was successful in leaving a very annoyed Wilbur after the game who's team also ended up being immediately dunked the second voting for the final game began causing Tommy to laugh at the cherry on top of him annoying Wilbur last round.

I looked at the team placements and saw that we were were nearly two thousand coins away from second place since we didn't place too good in the last three games, "I'm guessing we're all in agreement that we need it to be survival games," I said staring at the two final game options, survival games and buildmart.

"No complaints, here, survival games finale is hype," Tubbo said.

"Wait till the end before voting so the chickens have less time to move," Tommy said, and at the last second of the voting time we all voted for survival games.

"C'mon chickens, stay in survival games," I said, watching as some of the chickens swapped votes since the two games were next to eachother.

"Wait, how many are in each game," Tubbo asked.

"It looks completely even," Ranboo said, and they were proven right as the votes were tied, and what game is chosen is completely random despite most people voting for survival games.

"We better not be playing buildmart as the final game," Tommy said, and luckily we weren't as survival games was chosen for the finale.

"If we're gonna make it to dodgebolt, now is the time to pop off," I said and we were teleported to the middle of the survival games map, "Alright guys, I have a plan that sounds crazy but if it works, we will dominate this game," I asked.

"Well we need to know what it is first before we-" Ranboo said.

"We're in," Tommy and Tubbo said cutting off Ranboo.

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