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The rest of sky battle consisted of me running from room to room every so often looking at what their teams were doing at different points. I was trying not to distracted them but I was really excited to watch and cheer them on.

As they were playing I had to keep stopping myself from saying what the other teams would probably do, not because I was watching other streams, but because I liked to rewatch vods of mcc from different streamers when I'm bored so I could guess what each team would do and while watching I'm under less pressure than they are playing so I can think clearer. Sadly I couldn't help Tommy or Tubbo for the very obvious reason that it would be cheating and I didn't want to make the competition unfair in any way.

Within the first two rounds of sky battle (watching Tubbo the first and Tommy the second) I had to stop myself from pointing or warning them of other teams about six times when I got too excited. Ranboo seemed to notice and between the second and third round I saw him put on a mask before walking into frame.

"That's it watching privileges are gone," Ranboo said, turning it into a bit, making Tommy wheeze laugh.

"Fine," I said knowing I'll probably end up accidentally backseat gaming if I stayed, "I can just watch it outside on the swing with my laptop."

"Watch out you don't drop it," Tommy chimed in. I nodded and assured him I won't before grabbing my laptop and heading for the swing. I sat down and was a little wobbly trying to hold on to the laptop at the same time.

I almost fell off at first and noticed that tubbos chat could see me. I'm glad I forgot to take off my mask, I thought.

Didn't realise you could see me KEKW hi chat, I typed and waved. The chat said hi back. After that I went back to happily watching mcc while occasionally almost falling off the swing.

After a while Ranboo came outside to watch the final game with me, survival games. Tommy and Tubbo's teams both had a mid placements of Tommy in fourth and Tubbo in sixth. This wasn't too bad because the coins between first and sixth was only 1750 so if they got a lot of coins there's a chance that one of, if not both of them, could make it to dodgebolt if the other teams messed up.

I kept flicking between Tommy and Tubbo's streams as the other teams slowly eliminated by eachother, one by one, until only their two teams remained Tommy's team with three members and Tubbo's with two.

Tommy's team quickly killed Tubbo's teammate making Tubbo the last one standing on his team and putting him at a heavy disadvantage, however, I noticed that Tubbo had four of the same potion in his hotbar. I didn't realise what the potions were until Tubbo ran around the center making the other team bunch up while trying chasing him.

Suddenly, Tubbo turned around and quickly used all his harming potions, killing the other team, and winning.

I kicked my legs up (almost hitting Ranboo in the process) "LET'S GOOOOAAHHHHH," I shouted falling off the swing.

"Hahaha, you okay," Ranboo said holding his hand out to help me up.

"Yeah. Honestly I'm surprised I didn't fall till now," I said and the final scores came up on the in game chat showing that both their teams missed dodgebolt by less than 500 points because they focused more on survival points without getting many kills while the top two teams survived most the game and eliminated a lot of the other contestants.

"I fell out of the swing for nothing," I said, then typed into chat knowing that they saw, "welp that's going on livestream fails or mcc top ten moments," I continued also laughing.

I walked back inside because the games for Tommy and Tubbo ended. "Chat told me you just fell off the swing, you all good," Tubbo asked.

"Im fine, but that 1v3 comeback was so good. You were so close to getting to dodgebolt," I said, looking like I had been dragged through a bush backwards.

(N/a I'm going to put this book on hold for a bit to focus on another book I've been working on that enjoy writing more called 'Lore'. The first chapter should be out tomorrow :)

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