🦋Chapter 58🖤

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He knows Arman is trying his best to remain calm, it's something he has never witnessed before but at the same time it's very visible that he was angry and betrayed.

Everything he was trying to avoid is now happening and that's all because of Umar that can't control himself.

"Shit" he cursed as he face palm himself sitting on the chair present thinking if how to handle the situation.


"Please call your mum, I need to speak to her" Alhaji Shehu said to his son Salim as the boy looks at his father wondering why he wanted to speak to their mum all of a sudden before nodding and dailing the contact.

"Here, she's picked" he said giving the phone to his father as the man collects it.

"Assalamualaikum" he said as there was silence before she responds.

"Walaikum Salam" she responded.

"How are you?" He asked as she stayed quiet before responding.

"I'm fine Alhamdullilah, how are my children?" She asked

"They're all fine Alhamdullilah, how's your health and everything" he asked

"Everything's fine Alhamdullilah" she responded

"My wife...I miss you, I want to see you please..." He said as she cuts him off.

"Oh you're finally back to you senses, since when did you send me out of your house and it's today you're calling to talk to me, when I came to visit you sent me out, Maimuna died you never came to pay condolence, you were just silent and now you want to see me, for what reason?"

"At my age, I'm 49 yrs fisabillilah and you threw me out of the house in my children's presence, you didn't respect me and you even divorced Maimuna in the presence of the children and you're telling me you miss me now"

"To be honest I don't know what to say to you and I don't even want to have anything to do with you, I'm fine without you and I don't need you to disrespect me in front of my children the second time, don't call me again"

"Aminah, please listen to me, kiyi hakuri (don't be upset)" he said

"I know I wronged you and was unfair, I can't justify my actions but I want to be honest with you, I want to tell you everything, the reason everything started and why I was acting the way I did but I need you to please give me a chance and listen to me" He said as she remained silent.

"Aminah please for the sake of our children please give me a chance" he said as she finally let out a breath.

"Fine I've heard, I'm not coming to see you just know that, whatever you want to say come here and say it" she said with a touch of attitude in her voice.

"I'll come to you, please give me your address" he said in a calm manner.

"I'll text it" she responded ending the call immediately as he sighed.

Same attitude as always, one of the reasons he loved her, she was hard to get but he still managed to woo her and now he had messed up getting her love back won't be an easy task but his willing to, after all she's the mother of his children.

2 mins later the phone beeps and a text from her came through making him smile.

"Send this address for me, I'm going to bring your mum home today" he said to Salim as a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Really?" He said as his father smiled at him.

"Yes of course, tell Rukkaya to prepare some delicious food and ask Summaya to clean up your mum room" he said getting up.

"Won't she stay in your room?" Salim asked

"You know women, she won't want to stay with me for some time but soon she'll give in" he said as Salim smiled.

"Allah ya kawo ta lafiya (May Allah bring her safe and sound)" Salim said

"Ameen, send me the address" he said as Salim nodded before doing as he was told.

Receiving the text Alhaji Shehu sets his cars ready and took off the trip to his wife's home.

Few minutes later he arrives in front of the familiar house before proceeding into the building and then halting in front of the house.

He clicks the doorbell and 2 mins later the door was opened by his wife.

"Assalamualaikum" he said staring at her as she looked away from him responding,

"Walaikum Salam" she said as he stood there looking at his wife.

"Come inside" she said walking further into the house as her husband followed from behind.

"Have a seat" she said gesturing him to seat which he did.

"Welcome" she said

"Thank you, my wife" he said as she glared at him before looking away.

"So what's your explanation?" She asked as he released a sigh, his about to expose the sins he was keeping from his family which he is ashamed of but what could he do.

"Amina, I need you to please forgive me, I'm going to be honest with you and tell you everything, please be calm"

"I'm listening "

"The reason why I wasn't home on our wedding night was cause I was with another woman Hanifah, she was this girl I met 2 weeks to our wedding and well on the day of our marriage she threatened to commit suicide if I didn't come and see her and I ignored her thinking she was just bluffing but that night her parents called to tell me she passed away and I just had to be there and so I couldn't come home till the following morning, I'm ashamed of that but I promise I didn't cheat on you or Maimuna, I loved you both and I sorta have feelings for Hanifah but I realized they weren't genuine feelings and I had other motives but due to her passing away I couldn't....Allah protected me from my sins, I'm so sorry for that, I regret I couldn't confess and apologize to Maimuna but I have the chance to tell you and so well here I am" he said

"Why did you force my daughter's in those marriages?" She asked cause that was the explanation she wanted not his affair confession.

"My brother knew about Hanifah and threatened to tell you and Maimuna about it if I don't let Assar get married to Arman and well I was scared of how you both will react so I let the marriage happen instead, I wish I just let him tell you both about it maybe today Maimuna would be alive, Maryam would still be with us and our Assar would have been the chef she wanted" he said in a sad tone

"And well Maryam, I did that all for myself, I'm sorry, there was no motive behind it, I just wanted my daughters to be married"

"I'm so sorry please forgive me"

"Allah has written all this and no matter how angry and disappointed I am with you, it was still meant to happen and I forgive you, I don't hold any grudge, I'm just angry about how you did things, apologize to our children as well, I'll only feel better after that" she said as her husband smiled before going over to hug her.

"I missed you a lot" he says hugging her as she wrapped her arms around him.

"It was getting unbearable living alone I'm just happy you're here" she said.

Arman and Assar.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz