Those who pass the test will be heading to Heaven.

Lucifer and Damian worked hard for two years to recreate what they had done once upon a time, but they managed to. The hardest part was reconnecting the Princes of Hell and the angels in Heaven. After all, they needed Heaven permission for their new system to work. Luckily, most of them were simply happy to see their siblings again. Lucifer and the Princes of Hell were surprised by the warm welcome- well, Lucifer would have been if things had not happened the same exact thing in the future that will never come. Damian was adopted by every angel and fallen angel; it made Lucifer a little bit jealous.

But they allowed it, as their great-grandson deserves to be coddled and adored.

"Are you ready?" Lucifer asked his beloved heir, as they had tea over cake- Devil's Food, of course.

"No, not really," Damian sighed. "Being here helped a lot, mourning what I've lost, what I'll never have again. My father and siblings are alive, but they do not know me, and our bond won't be the same. They are not the same people I've met, lost, and came back in time for..."

"About that," Lucifer interrupted hesitantly.

"What?" Damian asked suspiciously. "Did you do something great-grandparent?"

"Me? No, I did nothing for once," Lucifer defended themselves. "You, on the other hand, proved once more to be the perfect heir and caused chaos that ripped and reformed reality." Lucifer chuckled in delight. Now that they had let go of their rancor and rage, they felt much lighter and freed. They had not had this much fun since the rebellion. "Did you think that such powerful spell, one powered by Trigon of all things, wouldn't affect our dimension? Reality had to be rewritten to adjust to your changes. This new timeline is different and has many changes you will not expect."

"Like what?" Damian glared suspiciously at his great-grandparent.

"That's for me to know and for you to wonder," Lucifer smirked mysteriously, before summoning his magic to create a portal. "Remember, I am expecting you to come and have a tea party with me every Sunday! Please, invite Alfred Pennyworth, I'll be delighted to meet him. Unfortunately, Heaven has a claim to his soul!"

"Of course, they do! It's shido*!" Damian shouted as the vortex swallowed him. "Damn it!" Damian cursed as he was spat in the middle of Darkseid's throne room. As expected, Damian landed on his feet with grace. "Greetings, King of Apokolips."

"Who are you child?" Darkseid growled.

"I am Flamebird, crown-prince and great-grandson of Lucifer Morningstar!" Damian announced proudly, standing tall... or as tall as he can when he is ten years old.

"What is the scion of Hell doing in my palace?" Darkseid demanded to know with a glare, parademons screeching above him.

However, Damian simply raised an eyebrow and replied with a dry, bored tone. "I'm here for your shard of chaos."

Just as Damian uttered those words, the shard appeared in the room, shinning bright, demonic, purple. Damian could feel it, how Darkseid's shard and his shard resonated within him. The shard Damian had assimilated had become part of him. Yet Damian could feel that it was an incomplete part of him, that there was something missing. So, not waiting for anyone, he stepped forward and grabbed the shard.

The next thing he knew was pain, an overwhelming sense of anguish. He was burning, slowly but steadily. How is that possible?! He can control Hell Fire and Holy Fire! Nothing should be capable of burning him! If he kept it inside, he would die. He knew that. So, he did the only thing he could.

He let it go.


"What in the name of..." Kilowog muttered stunned by what he was seeing. "Razer!" He turned to his old friend and previous Green Lantern, who was now wearing a red ring. "What are you doing here?"

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