Sokka: (stunned) A month!

Joo Dee: Six to eight weeks, actually.

(Joo Dee grins at them.

There are lit lamps hanging from the ceiling. Katara and Toph are sitting on square mats in the middle of the room. Behind them are some steps leading to a slightly elevated portion of the room.)

Joo Dee: Isn't it nice? I think you will really enjoy it here.

Sokka: I think we'd enjoy it more if we weren't staying so long. Can't we see the King any sooner?

Joo Dee: The Earth King is very busy running the finest city in the world, but he will see you as soon as time permits.

Aang: If we are going to be here for a month, we should spend our time looking for Appa.

(Momo and lala perks up at the mention of Appa.)

Joo Dee: (bowing) I'll be happy to escort you anywhere you would like to go.

Toph: We don't need a babysitter. (Toph stands up and begins heading for the door.)

Joo Dee: Oh, I won't get in the way. (takes a small step into Toph's path) And to leave you alone would make me a bad host. Where shall we start?

(Cut to a brief overhead shot of the outer ring before changing to a shot of a bowl of birdseed connected to a pole. Momo jumps on to the bowl and begins eating the birdseed but is quickly scared off by a cat owl as it screeches at him. Cut to a wider shot of the room. Aang and his party are in a pet store and are speaking with the owner at the counter.)

Pet store owner: I'm sorry, but I haven't heard anything about a flying bison, or dragon polar bear dog or snowfox. I didn't even know there were any bison or dragons. i dont have any of them or heard anything.

Aang: If someone wanted to sell stolen animals without anyone knowing, where would they go?

Sokka: (agitated) Where's the black market? Who runs it? Come on, you know! (points an accusing finger at the owner)

Pet shop owner: (nervous and perspiring) Uh... (looks at Joo Dee standing behind Aang and Sokka. She smiles at him and slowly shakes her head) That would be illegal. You'll have to leave now. Your lemur is harassing my sparrowkeets.

(Cut to a shot of Momo at another birdseed bowl surrounded by squawking sparrowkeets. He covers his head and quickly gobbles a several small handfuls of birdseed.

Fade to the courtyard of Ba Sing Se University. There are a few students walking around and a tall statue in the middle. Cut to a shot of Aang and his group speaking to a student sitting at the foot of the statue's pedestal.)

Student: Hmm, I've never seen any sandbenders or nomads around here. You should ask Professor Zei, he teaches the class on dessert cultures.

Sokka: Right. And which of your professors could we ask about the war with the Fire Nation?

(The student, unsure of what to do, glances at Joo Dee, still smiling and standing behind the rest of the group. She leans in and shakes her head at the student. Sokka catches this out of the corner of his eye and turns to look at Joo Dee, but she stops before he can tell what she is doing.)

Student: (nervous) Uh, I don't know. I'm not a political science student. I have to get to class. Ugh!

(The student hurries to get away, but trips and drops the scrolls he is carrying. He gasps and grumbles as he picks them back up and continues on. Joo Dee waves goodbye as he goes.

Fade to a shot of Aang and his friends standing at the steps of their house. Joo Dee is sitting inside the carriage and talking to them through window.)

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