Mi supermujer - Sandra Paños

Start from the beginning

"No se que hacer".

Leila sighs, "I don't think there's anything you can do, once she gets inside her head there is usually no way out for at least a week. The only time I haven't seen her retreat into herself was this year, the loss to Lyon..." the defender trails off.

"The point is you have made that difference y/n, you have turned our tough, brick wall of a goalkeeper into an even more determined player. I have it on good authority that she fights to get these wins, these clean sheets for you and you alone, to see you succeed. Don't underestimate the power you hold and the change you insight for the better" she explains, reaching out for your hand.

"When did you become so wise?" you smirk, "oh I can be wise when I want to* she retorts, slapping your hand playfully.


Thanks to Leila, you were able to see things in a slightly different light however you couldn't excuse all of Sandra's behaviour, she still hurt you and as petty as it sounded, you wanted her to know that.

Meanwhile the goalkeeper had started to come around, she felt bad about how she handled the situation, regretting all the things she said and done in ignoring you and wanted to apologise profusely and as soon as possible.

Sandra searched high and low the morning of the game but you were no-where to be found, rather everyone she asked knew exactly where you were and had been given strict instructions by you not to tell your girlfriend. She knew this was sometimes a part of your game-day routine but she really wanted to clear the air before the match so when you were spotted emerging from the lift, she knew now was her chance.

"YIn, espera!" she shouted, rising from her seat and following you into the reception area.

The Barcelona player shouts your name again but you continue out the front doors without any acknowledgement because as much as you wanted to talk, you couldn't do it in front of everyone so hoping the goalkeeper had taken the hint, you walked swiftly to the lake at the back of the hotel.

Taking up a seat on a bench, you wait for Sandra to find you and less than five minutes later, she appears, tentatively joining you at the opposite end.
"I didn't want to be found" you state, never taking your eyes off the water and when your girlfriend doesn't respond, you sit in a peaceful (although perhaps a little awkward) silence, neither of you ready to admit anything about missing the other or in your case, wanting to apologise.

Eventually it is the goalkeeper who breaks, starting her speech by turning to you but quickly realising you weren't going to look at her, returns her gaze to the water, *this tournament is important, you know that y/n. We are under constant scrutiny, we have to perform, our positions on the team are under threat more than ever and with the World Cup next year, it's imperative that we, I, stay focused. Any sort of distraction".

You didn't need to hear anymore, "oh so l'm a distraction now? Two years of being in a committed relationship is a distraction?" you are up on your feet now, anger coursing through your veins, "I wasn't finished, por favor déjame explicarte" Sandra pleads.

"Please, just stop... I don't want to do this now, we'll talk after the game" you sigh, closing your eyes and pinching the space between your eyebrows.

There's a slight breeze and you're close enough to feel Sandra stand, tensing slightly when her hands find your waist as she places a soft kiss to your forehead, whispering a gentle "te amo" before turning and walking away.


The final whistle blows and you watch Sandra drop to floor, deflated.

You knew she was already beating herself up for the mistakes but it didn't feel right to go and comfort her, you let Irene do that instead as you go around congratulating the German players and even in the team huddle she wouldn't meet your eyes, choosing to keep hers trained on the floor.

You didn't know what to say or how best to comfort her especially after your argument but you couldn't leave her alone, you were still her girlfriend after all.

"Mi amor" you approach her slowly, not wanting to frighten her as you could see she was deep in thought, "I think I might be the last person you want to listen to right now, but just wanted to check on you querida" you reach up to cup her cheek, smiling when she leans into it rather than pulling away and letting a rather shaky breath escape your lips.

"I know you're a perfectionist but you have to let some things lie and move on. I could never do what you do, throwing yourself around all day, putting yourself in harm's way just to save your team. You are honestly a real life superwoman. Eres mi supermujer" you explain and the goalkeeper can't help but smile at your way of making everything sound so positive.

Feeling guilty at pushing you away, Sandra grasps your hand and uses it to pull you into a tight hug, the feeling of her arms around you never failing to make you feel safe, "lo siento" she mutters close to your ear, "I'm sorry too".

"Vale lovebirds, vamos!" Mapi shouts, interrupting your moment, "oops" she smirks devilishly.

Sandra rolls her eyes as you attempt to move away but are stopped by a hand closing around your wrist once again, "you're not getting away from me that easily" she growls, lowering her voice so only you can hear. She keeps your hand firmly grasped in her own as you enter the tunnel, Leila and Irene joining you and the defender teasing you about your girlfriend's very public displays of affection.

"You know, someone's going to need a little extra looking after tonight" she smirks.

"Dios mio" you mutter pushing her away with your free hand, "get your mind out of the gutter Ouahabi.
You're as bad as Jenni" you glance over at Sandra and then back at Leila, who raises an eyebrow, "es verdad, no? You've both got making up to do and I saw whatever that was back there".

She nudges your shoulder you and a deep blush makes it's way up your neck, Sandra squeezing your hand a little harder and letting you know she heard everything, slowing down so it was just the two of you walking together, "I'm not opposed to finishing what we started" she says, her voice low and close to your ear, body pressed against yours and making the blush on your cheeks deepen even more.

"What we started? I played no part in this" you reply cooly, knowing it would only wind the goalkeeper up more, smirking when her lips graze your neck and you have the desired reaction.

A hand jumps to your hip, holding you still as your girlfriend continues her ministrations and draws soft moans from your lips but just as quickly as she starts, footsteps reminds you where you are and you pull away from her hold, "vale, we don't want to be late for the bus" you explain, ignoring the disappointed look on Sandra's face.

"However, the faster we move, the faster we can continue somewhere more private" you suggest, lips hovering perilously close as her eyes light up once again, "shower?" she asks, knowing full well your best sex often involved left over adrenaline coursing through your body and sweaty kit discarded in a pile by the door.

"Lead the way".

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