He and Pai are doing their usual Saturday afternoon collections when Phayu spots the group of Alphas. He doesn't recognize this group so most likely it's someone trying to test P'Pakin's patience. Well they will find out quickly enough that his boss is not a patient man.

When they return down the street, Phayu sees the alphas are harassing Rain. One even dares touch him. Phayu feels rage wash over him.

They reach the group in time to see Rain try to shake him off the one holding him. “Let me go.” Rain says.

“Aww, don’t be like that,” the alpha says. He puts a hand out and strokes Rain’s cheek. Phayu has to fight the desire to break the man’s hand, maybe cut out his tongue for good measure.

“I suggest you let him go.” Phayu says.

He sees Rain look around and watches as relief floods his face. It makes Phayu want to hug the omega and comfort him.

The man recognizes Phayu and he immediately releases Rain and puts his hand up. “Hey we were just talking to him.” He says.

“Did you want to talk to this group?” Pai asks Rain.

Rain shakes his head.

“I suggest you leave, this neighborhood is protected by P’Pakin and he doesn’t tolerate its citizens being harassed in any manner.” Phayu tells them. “You get one chance.” If it were up to him they would pay for scaring Rain right here and now, but P'Pakin doesn't like violence in his neighborhoods unless necessary.

One of the other men really pushes his luck by getting into Phayu's face and saying, "Who do you think you are to order us around?"

His friend saves him by saying, "Don't be an idiot, Rha, P'Pakin practically owns these neighborhoods and the man is vicious to his enemies. Let's just leave."

"Don't let us see you around here again," Pai says as they leave. "Hanging around here could be dangerous to your health." Phayu half hopes they don't take the warning to heart but thinks this is the last they will see of this group.

"Are you alright?" Phayu asks Rain.

"Yes, Phi, thank you for your help." Rain gives them both a polite wai and says, "I will be going then."

Rain doesn’t see the way Phayu stares after him until Pai punches him in the shoulder to get his attention. "Let's go, Yu, we have a lot of work to do today. No time for cuties."

Phayu sighs, knowing Pai is right. They have a meeting with P'Pakin in less than an hour to discuss next month's races. It doesn't mean that Phayu doesn't give the retreating omega one last look before turning to retrieve his bike where they left them.

After that whenever he sees Rain around the neighborhood the little omega often smiles and waves at him. Phayu often responds with a nod, but doesn't move to talk to the omega. He tells himself that nothing has changed. He isn’t good for someone like Rain. The boy is too innocent and naive for his own good.

During the break before Phayu and Saifah start their third years they close the garage for two weeks and go to visit their parents in Korat. For a man in his seventies their father is looking extremely healthy and hearty. Their mother is also looking happy to have their father all to herself these days. Despite their age difference theirs is a real love match.

Their mother seems determined to see her children have the same.

"How is Heam?" Is the first thing she asks Saifah after their initial greetings.

"Doing well, she is the top of our engineering class and yet for some reason agrees to date me." Saifah says with a laugh.

Their mother laughs at this before turning to Phayu, "What about you, love?"

Phayu doesn't answer so Saifah says, "Get this, ma. Phayu has a crush."

Phayu glares at his brother.

"What's this?" Their mother asks. "Is the person already taken?"

"Not at all, Phayu just thinks they are too good and sweet for him," Saifah says.

"Shut up, Saifah," Phayu mumbles. He regrets telling Saifah anything about Rain.

"Nonsense," their mother says, "anyone would be lucky to have you."

"Ma, he doesn't know anything about our world." Phayu says.

"You sound just like your father. He was a bit like you when we first met. I was a secretary for P'Pakin so granted I was already a part of this world, but he still worried about it on top of which he thought he was too old for me, as if fifteen years is a huge gap. It took months of me pursuing your father before he gave in to me." Their mother says.

"Ma, eww, too much information." Saifah says, making a gagging gesture.

They all laugh at this.

Phayu doesn’t plan on helping out with the juniors, he is too busy already. However one of the other seniors falls ill right before school starts and Phayu finds himself helping to greet the juniors.

To his surprise he sees Rain and Sky among their numbers. Rain spots him and gives him his usual sunny smile. He nudges Sky and says something and looks surprised at Sky’s answer. Then says something else to Sky. Phayu has a feeling they are discussing him.

This is confirmed when Rain starts in his direction. Sky grabs his arm and they seem to be having a mild argument. Rain waves his hand in Phayu’s direction. After a minute or so of this Rain comes to the front of the line where Phayu is greeting students and gives Phayu a polite wai.

Rain says, “P’Phayu, I don’t know if you remember me or not but you helped me out and I want to thank you. My name is Rain.”

“Nice to meet you, nong Rain, and I remember. Are you starting here?” P’Phayu asks.

“Yes, Phi. I have wanted to study architecture for as long as I can remember.” Rain says.

“Well then, I wish you the best of luck. It can be a difficult subject, but I believe it is extremely rewarding as well.” P’Phayu says.

“Thank you, Phi. Can I ask you something?” Rain says.

“Of course, nong.” P’Phayu says with a friendly smile.

He expects Rain to ask about the studies or the faculty. What Rain says instead is, “I like you, can I pursue you?”

Phayu sees Sky groans and rubs his hand down his face behind Rain, some of the other students around them start giggling.

“Maybe this isn’t the place to discuss this, nong.” Phayu says.

“That’s not a no,” Rain says happily.

Phayu turns to his fellow senior and says, “Excuse me for a minute.”

“Take you time,” the senior says with a smirk.

Phayu takes Rain by the arm and drags him to a secluded spot behind the building.

“Rain,” Phayu starts. “If this is some sort of gratitude for me helping you last year…”

“P’Phayu, It’s not, I liked you even before then. Sky kept saying I shouldn’t but I couldn’t help it.” Rain says.

Phayu frowns, “Sky is probably right about me, you know.”

“Probably.” Rain says matter of factly.

“Then why?” Phayu says.

“I told you, I like you. I should warn you I never give up easily. Unless you don’t like me, that is. If you don’t like me at all, I won’t bother you.” Rain says. He looks so sad at the thought.

Phayu thinks he should lie and say that he doesn’t like Rain. Let the boy move on, find someone better than him.

What he does instead is to whisper, “I like you too”, before he tips the omega’s chin up and kisses him.

Bad Boy, but Good For YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ