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Wendy's pov

I sigh, waking up. But when I do, Stan isn't beside me. I shrug it off because he could have fallen on the floor, or ya know just got outta bed. I walk into the living room to see a few balloons and Stan holding Matthew and a sign...

...Happy birthday Wendy...

Right today is my 27th birthday, December 19th. I smile, smile wide. I know we're married but I haven't really celebrated in years. Most of the time it was another year then boom christmas, didn't think much about it.

"So birthday girl, whatcha wanna do today?" he asked me as I grabbed Matthew.

"I dunno? Brunch I guess," We get ready and head to a little diner that does the best brunch, "Stan, pull into here," I tell him. We get out of the car and head in.

When we were seated and after ordering I pulled a little box out of my purse. "Stan?"

He looks up at me, "Yeah, Wends?" I passed him the little box. When he opens it a smile appears on his face.


"Yep," I say, "Another kid," Stan pulls me into a kiss. "I was gonna wait till Christmas but I thought it'd be better to tell you now.,"

Stan smiled, "Good choice,"

Once we were done we went home and chilled out. I called Bebe and told her to come around six, so I can tell her. I decided to face Tweek but he didn't answer, too busy I guess. It's no big deal. Stan yelled that he was going for a shower, so I sat with Matthew in the living room.

Waiting for Bebe feels...scary. I know she will be happy that I'm pregnant again, right? Why am I doubting myself? She has always been there for me, so why am I so panicked?

There was a knock at the door, I got up and ran to the door. When I opened the door I had friends piling in with gifts and balloons. "Happy birthday!" Bebe cheered.

I smiled, "thanks, guys," I said, opening the door wider. Bebe, Nichole, Heid, Red, Butters, and Tweek.

Tweek hugged me, "S-sorry I didn't answer before I was driving and couldn't grab my phone and I didn't wanna crash," He said to me, "Ya know it'd be a bummer if I crashed and died," he laughed.

I smiled, "I think so too," About an hour passed and I got ready to tell my friends, I grabbed a cup and a fork to tap it, "I would like to say something," everyone looked towards me, "I'm pregnant again!"

Bebe jumps up and hugs me, "I can try the baby shower again!" She said,

I laugh, "Please no,"

They stay till about nine then leave, I looked around the living room and let out a huge sigh. I have to clean it up, fuck it I'm going to bed and I'll deal with it in the morning. When I wake up I remember that I have to deal with it. So I do, I make a cup of coffee and put on a movie and start cleaning. Once Stan gets back from work I've cleaned the living room, kitchen, bathroom, Matthews room and our bathroom.

"Jesus you did a lot," Stan said, "It looks really good. Since you cleaned..." he looked around the kitchen and living room, "..All this I uh I will make supper, and do the dishes," I kiss him as he puts the groceries away.

"Thank you sweetie," I say, making another cup of coffee and sitting on the couch.

Days pass and Christmas morning is here. Matthew started walking, sort of. He takes a few steps then falls backwards. We have to run and make sure he doesn't hit his head. After we finish opening all the presents we sit and watch a movie, just the three of us. Mom and dad couldn't make it. The roads are too bad and it's really cold outside, minus -45 celsius(-49 fahrenheit) so they can't get here. It sucks but I have Stan and Matthew so it'll be okay.

Matthew's birthday comes and goes, my little baby is now properly walking and talking too. He can really only say 'mamma' 'pappa' 'food' 'hi' 'night' and 'book'. But it's a good start. We read to him every night, have the subtitles on for the tv and try to get him to say more things.

I got an ultrasound done and we're having a girl. Stan is really happy to have a daughter. When I asked Matthew if he was excited to have a sister he looked at me like I was weird. He doesn't understand but I know he'll love her. I always wished I had a sibling. Someone I could have had fun with day in and day out. But Stan didn't have a good relationship with Shelly until they were late teens. I just hope that's not the case for Matthew and my little girl. I still don't know what to name her.

On July 23rd I had my first daughter, Ophelia Enda Testaburger. Enda was my grandmother's name so we decided to give her that middle name. When I saw Matthew and Ophelia together I realized how big Matthew was. He's almost three times her size. He wasn't my little baby boy anymore.

We brought her home and she was the star of the show. Everyone wanted to see her. Mom is all over her, showing me all these baby clothes that she's already bought for her. Stuff that she won't fit into for a while. Bebe did the same thing but worse. She bought $2000 dollar shoes for her. I love her to death but god is she dumb? That was so much spent on them for the shoes to fit for a few months.

Matthew loves her alot. He wants to be around her all the time. He couldn't say her name so he called her Opie. I'm glad they get along and Matthew doesn't feel jealous in any way.

Once everyone has left and the four of us are the only ones there I just watch her sleep. She's so tiny and precious, I already love her so much it's not even funny.


okay so this is a vent so tw: f-slur

I go back to school in four days and I don't want to because my friends were calling me the f-slur because they know I'm gay. I don't know what to do about it because if I bring it up they will tell me that its all in good fun and that some of them are gay so it's no big deal. But to me it is because I get gaslit about my sexuality by my mom. Then my friends are calling me the f-slur and bringing up my sexuality to people I haven't even told. I know they're my friends but it bugs me that they go about my sexuality like that.

Does anyone know what I should do? If not thanks for reading my vent and my story.

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