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This is the amazing and super fun wedding party! Shelly and Kevin enter as a newly married couple as everyone cheers greatly for them. They sat down at the long table getting ready for toasts and food.

Shellys maid of honor, Sarah stood up with a glass in hand, "If I could get everyones attention please," Everyone stopped and looked at her. "I'm Sarah, Shellys maid of honor and I;m so glad to have met Shelly. Her and I were in the same gym class junior year and well the gym class sucked but having her with me made it so much fun. From the bottom of my heart I love you like your my sister," the two hugged as Stan stood up.

"If you don't know me, I am Stan, Shellys brother. I'm so happy she is getting married. And honestly surprised because I didn't think this day would come!,"

Shelly threw a bun at him as some people laughed, "Turd,"

"But really I'm happy for you and Kevin. Lets eat!" Stan declared as the food was being served.

It was an assortment of chicken and steak. Each person filled out what they wanted on a little online survey picking between certain options. It was the smartest and easiest way to do things. Everyone is happy with what they chose and the bride and groom are happy to have everyone that showed up.

Kevin stood up, "thank you for all who came here! I'm glad you can spend our magical day with us. Enjoy the food and have fun!" chatter erupted in the room as people ate.

After the meal it was time for the first dance. Shelly wanted to make it magical so they both left the room. When the music started two doors opposite from each other opened. The song The side of paradise by Coyote Theory.

They met each other in the middle and slowly started to dance. They swayed as the music played. "Ya know," Kevin started, "this is the happiest i've ever been and it's all because of you,"

"Me too, I didn't know that I wanted it until I had you. And I know this is sappy but I really love you," Shelly felt tears prick her eyes.

"I really love you too," the two kissed each other.

After the song was over people cheered. It was time for the father daughter dance. Although Randy wasn't always the best dad he tried, even if it didn't seem like it. He is just an idiot though so you can't expect much from him. They danced and after was time for cake. It was a four tier chocolate, vanilla cake with light pink icing. Purple, red and blue flowers decorated the cake. Shelly smushed a little bit of cake in Kevins face.

After the cake was some dancing and visiting. Then something bad happened. Skyler showed up. He was some douche Shelly dated when she was younger. Surprisingly he never went to jail for dating a minor, it was also the night that Shelly and Cartman became friends.

He was shitface drunk and was with some chick. No one knows why he showed up or how he knew the wedding was going on but he was gonna start something... sorta.

Shelly sent Kevin, Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman to deal with him. She knew drunk people were hard to deal with and the four boys basically shared one brain cell.

"Fucking fight me Kevin," Skyler slurred.

Kevin laughed at him drunkenly walking around, "Nah man I'm good,"

Skyler took a swing at Kevin but missed and fell into the bushes behind him. When he stood back up his pants fell down, causing everyone to laugh.

The chick that he was with sighed loudly, "Sorry about this, my brother is a dumbass and paid me," She grabbed his wallet that fell out when he fell, "$125 dollars to do this, help me get him into the truck,"

They got him into the back of the truck and she thanked them for helping her, "Also congrats on getting married," she said before she drove away.

They all went back inside explaining what had gone down outside. Everyone thought it was pretty funny. The night went on with no more hiccups and everyone had fun.

Wendy sat by the bar, rocking Matthew to sleep. Once he was asleep she set him down in the stroller. Stan walked up and wrapped his arms around Wendy, "ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah I think so, we should go say bye then head home. I feel so tired," The two got up and said bye to Shelly and Kevin before getting into Wendys car.

Wendy put Matthew in the baby seat and sat in the back with him as Stan put the stroller in the trunk. The two drove home in silence in fear of waking the baby. They pulled into the driveway and went inside. Wendy put Matthew in his crib and went back downstairs.

Wendy sat down on the couch beside Stan, "So when Shelly and Kevin come back from their honeymoon the house will be theirs and we're going back to Denver, just confirmed with them tonight," Stan said leaning on her shoulder. "Everything is packed, right?" he asked.

"Everything but the kitchen and I think we can just take the food with us," Wendy explained.

"I'm glad we're doing this," Stan said, yawning.

"Me too, now let's go to bed," the two walked up to their bedroom to go to bed.


Lol I wrote like four chapters today, almost done the book. kinda sad about that tbh

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