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The next day it was time for the date. Both were nervous as fuck. 'It's not that bad, we dated before. We were in love so it can't be THAT bad' the two both thought. They loved each other once before so now it won't be any different.

Stan showed up to Bebe's door, nervous. He knocked loudly.

Bebe opened the door, "Hello Stanly, give her a sec."

Moments later Wendy walked to the door. Her hair was up in a bun and she wore a slimming black dress. It was off the shoulder and the back was a low cut.

"You look perfect," Stan said.

Wendy smiled, "Thank you! You look amazing. I'll see you later Bebe!"

Wendy shut the door and got into Stan's car. They drove to the restaurant talking about TV shows that they used to watch in high school. It was like they were back in high school sitting in Stan's car eating fast food after going to the movies or getting high.

"I'm so hungry, I hope it's not a long wait." Stan sighed as he pulled into the parking lot of their date location.

"I've never been here, is the food good?" Wendy asked, "I was gone by the time this place opened."

They got into the restaurant and were immediately seated. It only took about five minutes before they placed an order for their drinks.

"So I came here with my sister a lot and it's not worth getting the fish. I recommend the steak, pork or chicken." Stan looked through the rest of the menu "Also the burgers are worth it." Stan smiled at her.

"I think I'm going to get the steak with some potatoes." She said, "It looks the best."

They placed their order and waited. Stan wanted to know if they could make it work or if they shouldn't bother with desert.

"Do you see a future for us?" he asked.

Wendy was taken back by the question. Had she thought about it? No well yes, a lot...too much. She had loved him at one point, so loving him now won't be different? Wendy wanted to tell him that they can get married tonight but she was hurt by him. Even if he was going through something doesn't mean he had the right to hurt her.

"I think so. You seem better and I do care about you. A lot" she grabbed his hand from across the table. "I know things have been hard with your mom dying but...you seem to have held yourself together. Kyle has updated me and from what I know you only got kinda drunk once."

Stan didn't know what to say, she cared that much that she contacted Kyle, Kyle. "I care about you, a shit ton. I want to be yours," he told her.

"Then let's be together, be my boyfriend and I'll be your girlfriend,"

The two were staring at each other for what felt like minutes until they went back to their usual conversation.

Stan and Wendy left the restaurant and he took her back to Bebe's.

"This was a great night Stan!" Wendy smiled. "Call me tomorrow," She kissed him and went into Bebe's.

Bebe sat on the couch waiting for Wendy to return, "How was your date?" Bebe asked.

"Oh it was fun, my boyfriend and I had a great time!" Wendy beamed.

The two squealed like Nikki Maxwell and Wendy told her bestie about the whole date.


It's on the shorter side but the two are together! Also in a week it's my birthday I wanna do something fun so maybe face reveal or show some of my art. Thanks for reading, imma post some more soon :) <3

The right choice?...StendyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant