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Wendy's pov

The move was tough but we did it. Stan and I live at my place now and it's great. Matthew has his room across from ours and there is another room in case we decided or just ended up having another kid.

I've started to go back to work, only 30 hours a week. I do 5 hours a day for 6 days a week. Fridays are the days I have off. It's nice to have the free time. I've started planning our wedding and often send Stan pictures of what I'm thinking. Most of the time I either get a thumbs up or down in response. Sometimes he will give an opinion on stuff but it's rarely. We only have a few more months to plan it because we chose to do it on October 6th.

Stan got to choose the date, place and honeymoon. I'm on design, guestlist and cake. We decided to do the same catertors that Shelly had for her wedding because the food was amazing.

I need to figure out most everything so I can start to make everything. Bebe, Heidi, Butters, Tweek and Red are helping making and buying stuff. I'm fortunate for my parents to have saved money for my wedding. I only need a little bit because I don't wanna spend a crazy amount but I still want the day to be perfect.

I put in 3 hours and a chaotic discord call of wedding planning for a day, it made me so tired. Matthew had started to cry so I needed to tend to him. "I've gotta go! Motherly duties call," I said.

"I'm gonna keep brainstorming and making the designs," Bebe said, she loves planning parties and she's really good at it.

I go to Matthew and feed him. Afterwards, he was really happy. So he and I sit on the couch and watch some disney movies, Tangled to be specific. It's my favourite one.

Stan comes home after the 3rd movie I've seen today is over. He gives me a kiss and asks, "How was your day? Any wedding stuff?"

He sits down as I start to explain the wedding I'm thinking about. Stan chose a nice place in Denver to get married and Bebe has designed the hall to make it like a fantasy.

"That's great Wends, I can't wait for it," He says, playing with Matthew.

"I really wanna know what our honeymoon is, tell me?" I asked.

He laughs, "No but we will be going to Canada and I know you'll love it," He kissed my forehead. "Be patient and you'll see,"

I sighed, loudly, "Fine, but I'm really excited for this,"

Stan laughed, "I know you are, I am too. I don't wanna spoil it but it's something that we did when we were younger and I know you loved," I was completely clueless about what he was planning.

"Okay I don't wanna guess it because I don't wanna ruin the surprise and also my brain will explode. So...wanna watch a movie?" if I try and think about it I might die, kidding but I want to be surprised.

"Sure, wanna watch...footloose?" he asked, "I know it's your favorite so we can watch it while I make supper," He said. I hopped up and put the DVD in and sat back down beside him. "What do you want for supper?" he asked.

"Food, well just look what we have. We didn't need anything so I didn't go to the store. I think we have chicken so that?" I wasn't too sure what we even have, I have been eating pizza from last night for hours.

"Okay I'll make that, with some corn too. What should Matthew eat?" he asked me, setting everything up for cooking.

"Veggie stuff, ya know the green stuff in the bright pink jar. He likes it alot," Stan got the baby food ready. Once he was done he put it on the high chair. I put Matthew in said high chair. He looked so happy eating the green mush. I wondered what it tasted like so I took some.

Gross, there was no flavor. But I didn't wanna call attention to the fact I ate baby food so I swallowed it and then gagged. "God how do babies eat this? How did I eat this as a baby? There's no flavor and a disgusting texture," I physically shivered, Stan laughed.

"Is it really that gross?" he asked, walking over to us.

I held out a spoonful, "try some darling," I fed Stan the mush.

He shrugged, "Not too bad, thought it'd be worse," he walked back into the kitchen and checked on the chicken.

"Not bad? That was g-gross! I almost puked, how can you eat that?" I asked, confused. How it was not good at all.

"I dunno, maybe cause I used to eat dog and cat food so baby food doesn't seem so bad," he casually kept cooking, prepping and everything else casual.

"You ate dog and cat food? You don't even have a cat!" I know he had sparky as a kid but how would he eat cat food? Did he buy himself cat food? Ya think ya know someone.

"Cartman used to give us cat food, and no I don't know why. Kyle ended up knocking one of his teeth out because of it but Kenny and I ate it. I liked it, don't judge before you try it," he said, almost laughing.

"I won't besides as I kid I used to eat lip balms and lotions," I told him, it was a dumb secret i had but it made me laugh, "But I haven't done it since I was twelve," well the lotion was twelve, the lip balm......... nineteen. Don't judge me, it was cherry chapstick and it tastes good.

"Wow mrs. Wendy Testaburger, the criminal," he laughed. God I love his laugh.

I laughed softly, "Guilty,"


lol so I just finished a 390 chapter story, well two oneshot books by the same person with an ongoing story but now I don't have anything to read lmao

also totally haven't eaten dog or cat food 👀

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