|| 13 ||

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Me: Here's chapter 13~ Sadly the next chapter might be the last unless anyone wants me to do some bonus chapters. You guys can pick what they will be just no lemons please ^^' Enjoy.


Estarossa ended up taking Elizabeth, Sariel, and Tarmiel and gave the human bodies back to the young girl but the young male's body was dead.

All right, then."

"Let's go. It's time to annihilate that troublesome Estarossa."

Derieri stepped forward looking determined to help.

"I can help you. Let me go too."

The Holy Knights started speaking, confused as to why a Ten Commandment want to help.

"Oh, come on. You must be joking, Derieri. Now, what could you possibly do to help us?"

"And even if you could, there isn't a single person here who trusts you."

King frowns "Not true. Because I trust her."

Diane smiles "Me too."

"The way I see it, I trust Lady Elizabeth, and she once risked her life to save you guys." He smiles.

Derieri eyes widen how the hell did he know that?

"Wait. How did you know that?"

"Anyway, we're facing a powerful enemy, and that means the more help we can get, the better, right?"

"It seems the rumors were true. I'd heard that you Seven Deadly Sins were a ragtag group of--"

"They're more annoying, and that fairy is such a crybaby. It's so exhausting having to save their butts."

Everyone looks confused by the voice, but only one froze eyes wide.

"I-it couldn't be..." Sariel murmurs.

"Hello, Tarmiel...Sariel."

The two Archangels turn around floating behind them smiling, holding a spell book with one arm is Sara Cloak.

"Lady Sara? How..." Tarmiel looks confused, but he secretly is overjoyed to see his friend alive and well.

Sariel stares at her in silence, he floats closer.

"Oh my, it seems I left Sari speechless~ Haha--" She was startled when she felt his familiar warmth, from his lips kissing her.

Everyone set for Tarmiel, their jaws drop at what they're witnessing. A Goddess is kissing a human. They pulled apart, smiling at each other with warmth and love everyone practically could feel it coming off them.

"How is it possible?"

She smiles, cupping his face in her hands and kissing his nose.

"I'll tell you later, but right now. You two should trust Derieri. Let her fight with us, after all, I'll be joining with you. Can't have you guys have all the fun, now can I~?"

"What? No, you stay and help the humans. I can't allow you to join us, and get hurt."

King, Diane, and Hawk watch in fear. The last time Sara got silent and looked strangely silent was when she sent Ban across the Boar Hat Tavern.


The three drop to the ground, taken aback by her reply especially smiling cheerfully. The three flew off, to find Estarossa to save Elizabeth. And it seems Gowther and Hawk are following after them. Diane looks at Sara who is watching where the others flew off to. Diane bends down, tilting her head, realizing she wasn't fighting to join with the person she loves that's when she realized what she was going to do.

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