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Me: Here's chapter 7~ Enjoy~


Last Time on "Forget-Me-Nots"!

"Rose Thornes: Vine Trap!"

Many thorny line vines shoot out from the ground and wrap around Hank's body. Roses started to grow all over the thorn vines around him. Panting softly, she struggled to stand up.

"You stay put, I'll go bring my father so he can deal with you scum." She spit at him.

He growls and starts to struggle but flenches as the thorns dig into his body when he struggles. She turns around ignoring the pain, flying off toward the meeting place where the Goddesses clan stays.


Meeting Room

No One's POV

"I'm telling you, we shouldn't fight anymore! If we just talk to them, we can find a way for all races to live in harmony as one instead of killing each other and spilling meaningless bloodshed!" Elizabeth shouted, shooting up off her chair causing it to fall backward with a soft thud.

Ludociel shakes his head with a deep frown.

"I will not hear this again, those demons are nothing but evil and we will eradicate them all." Not caring that Meliodas the Demon King's eldest son standing on Elizabeth's left side.

"I agree with Lady Elizabeth's idea, I don't see why killing all Demons will be good," Gloxinia spoke up crossed his arms floating with his legs crossed, looking bored. Truthfully he wanted to hurry this meeting up so he can see his beloved.

"I also agree, Sir Ladociel with Lady Elizabeth's idea...It saddens me to say not all demons are evil as we thought they were." Sariel spokes up, surprising everyone, especially Tarmiel, Ladociel, and Elizabeth. 

They knew Sariel despised all demons so what changed, they wonder.

"S-Sariel, are you sure?"

Sariel looks at Tarmiel with a serious look and nods.

"I'm positive...someone showed me I shouldn't judge on their race and where they came from, all that matters is the heart." He places his hand against his chest where his heart beats, smiling thinking of a certain human.

Ladociel grew angry, he was losing allies to support him in killing all Demon races then he thought of a plan.

"I have enough of this, I'll be taking my leave."

He leaves the meeting room, making everyone but Gloxinia and Meliodas sigh.

"Thank you Gloxinia, Sariel...I'm just sorry if this causes you any trouble Sariel."

He shrugs and waves his hand dismissing her apology.

"No need. When that happens I'll deal with it."

"Hmm~? Is it because you have feelings toward a certain girl~?" Meliodas suddenly appears beside Sariel, with his arm draped across his shoulders smirking slyly.

Sariel's face turn a dark crimson red, shoved the demon feeling flustered.

"Sh-shut up demon! I-I have enough of your teasing, I'm leaving." He is halfway to the door to leave when Meliodas smiles mischievously. {The image is the look, just ignore the sword and clothes.}


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