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Me: Here's chapter 3~ I just want to let people know close to the end Sariel and Tarmiel show up and Rosetta doesn't end up with him (cause she ends up with Gloxinia) Cause he'll end up with Sara :3 Enjoy~


It's been two months since the whole...'I hate you' thing, and she stayed with Gloxinia and Gerheade's place. And Rose has grown closer to the two siblings, along with Sara the human girl who saved her. Even her crush was getting so much stronger when a celebration of winning an attack saving both Goddess, demons, and humans saved and healed thanks to Elizabeth's healing powers. And they all dance, Gerheade is dancing happily with Rou, and Sara is dancing with a random fairy. Rose is dancing by herself, having fun dancing in the air eyes closed as she lets the music flow until a hand grabs her hand. 

Her eyes snap open to see Gloxinia smirking, winking at her causing her cheeks to turn redder than a tomato.

"Come on, Rosie~ Dance with me."

Feeling shy she nods and giggles as he twirls her around and pulls her chest against his bare chest, holding her right hand, and placing one hand behind her lower back. Her face is now fully red, but she keeps smiling giggling as they dance.

An hour later, Gloxinia takes her hand and flies her away from the party to the same place they first met thanks to Gerheade. They landed, and Gloxinia squeezed her hand in a reassuring way which confused her especially when he turned around to face her with a guilty sheepish look. 

"Don't be mad at me, but..."

She frowns and furrows her brows in confusion.

"Why...would I be mad at you? You're not making any sense, Gloxi--"

"I asked him to bring you here, so we can talk."

She froze, swallowing saliva. She knew that voice anywhere, Gloxinia let her hand go so it dropped to her side. She looks fearful at Gloxinia as he flies up, sending her an apologetic smile before he flies back to the party. She trembles in fear and nervousness. She resisted so hard not to turn around and fly into his arms and apologize. She tensed up when he sighed heavily behind her.

"Rose, you don't have to say anything but allow me to speak," She nods showing him she heard. "I'm sorry. I never meant to yell at you, and not allow you to hang out with your friends for five months, I went too far and for that, I'm also sorry. I was terrified of losing you. Seeing you unconscious in Gloxinia's arms scared me, and the fear turned into anger and I took it out on you."

Rose hung her head causing shadow to cover her eyes, her lips trembled as she gripped tightly to the edge of her dress.


She suddenly spun around and flew right into his chest wrapping her arms under his shoulders and sobbing into his shoulder. His green eyes soften, smiling and letting out a small chuckle as he wraps his arms around her waist, he holds her to comfort the fairy girl that he raised like she was his child.

"I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry!!" She cries out, muffled by her face buried into his shoulder. "P-please don't hate me!"

His body tensed up when she spoke those last words, he chuckles sadly leaning his face side of her temple.

"Why would I hate you?"

She sniffles pulls away floating, she wipes the tears away looking nervous.

"Wh-when I yelled at you saying I hated you..." Was her meek reply.

His eyes soften, and he ruffles her light brown hair.

"I don't hate you, in fact, the way I treated you and how you reacted like that reminds me of a parent and child argument." He laughs.

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