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Me: Here's chapter 5~ Enjoy~


Rose's POV

Two days ago, after Elizabeth healed me and I fainted she took me to the small place we sleep and eat at. Sara and Gerheade stayed by my side while Elizabeth made some food for when I woke up. At the moment I was sitting on the sacred tree's tallest branch, hugging my knees to my chest remembering that moment yesterday. It was terrifying, he had me in his grasp and he was squishing me like I was some bug. I remember the pain as my wings crumpled up in pain from his squeezing. I choked on a sob, and I hid my face in my knees, since I woke up I even stayed silent and in a daze that it had my friends worried. 

"Moon Rose!!"

Startled I drop my legs so they dangle off the branch floating in front of me with eyes full of worry, and fear and panting heavily. Tears slowly started to well up until they slid down my face, I jumped off the tree branch throwing my arms around his neck and sobbing as he held me. I felt him flying us somewhere, I didn't notice and just didn't care. I was so traumatized by what happened to me, that I was too scared to speak and I couldn't stop crying.

My sobbing did calm down after a while, and I felt his hand rubbing circles on my back to comfort me.

"I'm so sorry, Moon Rose...I left you and caused you to get hurt, this is all my fault!"

My eyes snap open at his words, no it isn't his fault though! I pull away seeing tears in his eyes falling down his face, I had never seen him cry before he was always calm, lazy, and always smirking that cocky, smug look on his face. I quickly shake my head no.

"N-no! I-it's not your fault, Gloxi! I-I followed you...I was so worried and I wanted to help somehow, bu-but that demon...h-he stopped me. I tried to fly away but he grabbed me." 

"Moon Rose..." His amber eyes soften cupping my cheeks, leaning forward until our foreheads touch. "When Meliodas informed Drole, me, and the archangels what had happened I came flying back right away...I wanted to see you were okay for my own eyes."

"I'm okay now...I'm still terrified, truthfully I barely got a  wink of sleep. I keep seeing that demon...s-squeezing me..."

I shut my eyes tightly, replying to that scene over and over again until I felt something soft touch my forehead. I gasp softly, snapping my eyes open to see Gloxinia kissing my forehead! Face burning up like the sun 'Oh goddess! He just kissed my forehead!' He pulls away smiling, brushing his thumbs on my cheeks gently.

"You won't need to feel terrified, if you ever can't sleep or are scared coming over to Gerheade's and mine place wake me up...I don't care how late it is, you are my dearest friend, and I will stop everything I'm doing to help you."

I stared at him in awe and endearment, he's such a kind Fairy King so amazing. That night when I woke up crying, I flew out the window and flew to Gloxinia's and Gerheade's place which was close to the Sacred Tree. My wings folded down against my back when I landed, knocking on the wooden door. It was silent other than crickets making the noises, the door open, and standing there was Gerheade rubbing her sleepy eye but they blinked in surprise to see me.

"Rosie? Why are you at this time?"

My lips trembled, as the dam broke. I covered my face as I cried, I felt Gerheade's hands grab my arms and pull me inside. She led me somewhere, and I sat down on a chair made out of flowers and vines. 

No One's POV

The fairy sobbed into her hands as Gerheade tried her best to comfort her, but nothing was working then she remembered her brother, he always can sooth Rose's tears. She quickly told her she be right back, and rushed to her brother's room and burst through his room causing him to sit up fast groaning he rubbed his head tiredly.

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