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Me: Here's chapter 4~ Art above I drew using a manga version of Gerheade, that's what her full body and outfit look like ^w^ Enjoy~


Sara's POV

I climb up the sacred tree a bit, sitting comfortably on a tree branch swinging my legs as I am reading a book about spells. I wanted to learn how to use magic, so I'm learning the basics. I was enjoying reading through the spell book.


I screamed tossing my book up out of reflex, but I moved backward so I ended up falling off the tree branch. I heard my name being called in horror, but I stopped moving...? I open my eyes, blinking, and suddenly, my green eyes lock onto golden yellow eyes with a symbol I have never seen before. But that's not why. I felt this feeling overwhelm me, it felt like everything disappeared and it was only him and me staring at each other in a hypnotic daze.

"I-I'm so sorry Sara! I didn't mean to startle you." 

I snap out of the weird trance, blushing. My feet finally touched solid ground, and the boy that caught me flew down on my feet.

"Th-thank you. And it's okay Rosie, I was so focused on reading my boo-- Ah! Where's my book!?" I slap my hands on each of my cheeks in horror, that was a limited edition!!

"Do you mean this book...?"

I snap my head towards the boy who caught me, showing me my book! Sighing in relief I took it from his hand smiling thankfully at him, hugging it to my chest.

"Thank you again um..."

"Oh right! That's why I was looking for you, Sara~ This is Sariel, he's of the Goddess clan AND he's one of the archangels. Isn't that amazing!? Also Sariel this is the human -- Sara that saved me from those nasty fairynappers." I grew embarrassed and shy when Rose flew over while she talked wrapping her arms around my neck and smiling.


"Hm, you are a human but...I can sense the power inside you though."

I nodded smiling feeling proud he could sense even a bit of my weak powers.

"That's correct. This book I'm reading tells me the basics of what I should know and the rules of casting spells and things like that before I start casting any spells but...I don't know any mages that will teach me." My face has fallen realizing I don't know a good mage that will teach me.

"I'll teach you," I look at Sariel with wide eyes, seeing his head turn away but I could see a hint of red on his cheeks. "I may not be a mage, but I can still teach you until you find a proper mage."

My eyes slowly widened, and then I beamed at him and threw my arms around his neck not realizing what I was doing until I gasped I jumped back seeing the shocked look on his face with his whole face crimson red.

"O-oops, sorry for hugging you! I was just so excited I have someone to teach me a-and well... S-sorry."

He snaps out of his shock, still blushing looking at me then away with his arms crossed against his chest.

"I-it's okay, just...don't do that again. I'll teach you tomorrow, early in the morning meet me here so I can take you to an area we can use."

"R-right! Hm? Wait...where's Rosie?"

I just noticed my friend disappeared! She left me alone with a cute goddess!! That sneaky lil shi--

"Hm, it seems she left while you hugged me. No matter, I should head back though. Remember meet me here before the sun rises."

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