Chapter 199 Mantis

Start from the beginning

Manipulating the cactus to continue the attack, he still had the time to look at other people's situation.

My aunt didn't come, so he put him directly into the small courtyard. As for Grandpa Beiming, he didn't want to see him for the time being, and he didn't care. Anyway, the pumpkin house is pretty strong, as long as they don't let the big mantis go there.

Gao Feng and Pei Ying protected Pei Yue and Gao Fei.

Pei Yue's bead bomb is not limited to size, she is simply an ammunition output machine now.

Come one to blow one, come to the kind that blows a pair, under the protection of Gao Feng and Pei Ying, output the strongest attack steadily.

Gao Feng's attack power is still weak. After all, he focuses on defense. Even if he transforms the barrier into a whip, the attack power is still too simple.

Zhao Lili didn't dare to transform, not to mention whether the praying mantis had a nose and mouth, or whether the chili powder could enter the body, but she didn't dare to sprinkle chili powder on the battlefield.

She is now together with the soldiers, carrying a single-shoulder cannon, boom!

Pei Ying's attack was also based on control, trapping the praying mantis in the ground with soil, and then the others bombarded him wildly.

Suddenly, the severed limbs of praying mantises suddenly fell from the sky, and the green liquid splashed everywhere, drenching all the people present.

Fortunately, it's winter now, so I didn't get drenched by this disgusting thing because I was wearing thick clothes.

Everyone looked up and found a terrifying tornado in the sky, which was mixed with countless sharp metal blades, turning into a large meat grinder, and crazily sucked the praying mantises into them, rolling them into pieces.

The lethality is great, but it is also disgusting. The corpses of praying mantises are everywhere in the sky, and the people on the ground are covered with faces.

It's just that now who has the spare time to worry about whether it's dirty or not, let's deal with these uninvited guests first.

The combined animal ability is powerful, but it also consumes the ability extremely, and it won't last long.

The people in the mercenary group were the first to fail.

They were the ones who took the lead before. They blasted a hole in the shell of the big praying mantis, and the rest of them used guns or abilities to coax them.

Without them, the shell on the giant praying mantis would be difficult to deal with.

But do you think that's all for it, that they left the stage without their abilities? Don't forget who are they following?

When the power was exhausted, they immediately took out the shoulder gun from the space grid and filled it with pea bombs.

This was born in Chu Yue's spare time, in case of emergencies, no, it's used now!

To blast their shells, the pea bombs have enough firepower, and the corn cannons are replaced, and the big praying mantises are bombarded, and the city is unnecessary. It is too powerful.

Moreover, he can only spawn less than a hundred at a time, which is powerful and consumes a lot of power. Now there are not many saved, and each of them only has one in their hands.

With the support, the Beiming army also fought a lot easier, at least they didn't always die.

Especially the ones above the head who have been solving the falling ones, and also solved part of the praying mantis for them

Since Li Shen and Fang Jin were transferred to logistics, they basically didn't go to the battlefield anymore, but at this time, they still took up weapons.

But it wasn't them, but their robot, carrying a cannon in one hand, and under the control of the two, bombed the big praying mantis. Naturally, the ammunition was also Chu Yue's pea bomb.

Followed by a group of knife repairers, a group of people worked together to clean up the big mantis, which made the two of them quite proud.

There were tens of thousands of praying mantises in this group, no matter how hard their shells were, they were not enough for this group of people to bombard them indiscriminately. They fought from morning to evening, and before dark, the battle was over.

Leaving someone to clean the battlefield, Chu Yue and his party went back to wash up first, they couldn't stand the stench on their bodies anymore.

It was okay to splash it by myself, but it couldn't hold back and fell like an oil leak from the sky, and I felt that my whole body was soaked in that smell.

Bei Mingye has been directing the battle and dispatching manpower, so he is not seen much in front of him, but Bei Mingchao has been fighting with them all the time.

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