Chapter 142 Hallucination

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Lying on the ground, it seemed that the little brother would not attack him, and as if he hadn't found the target, Chu Yue simply lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

And lying on the ground, he realized that the closer the thick fog was to the ground, the thinner it became. At the place where he was lying, the white fog was almost gone.

"System, what's going on here?" No matter how stupid Chu Yue was, he would realize that something was wrong, and he wasn't stupid either.

[Sorry, host, it's my fault this time, if only I found something wrong earlier, you are confused. ]

"Confusion?" Chu Yue was puzzled. He didn't feel it. If it was really a spiritual power, he should have felt it when he started. As the power strengthened, their mental power became stronger, right?

[Sorry, host, it's not a spiritual ability this time, so I didn't notice it at the first time, it's the smell, you can smell the smell in the fog, but be careful. ]

Chu Yue was reminded by the system, and took a careful sniff. There was a sweet and greasy fragrance floating in the mist. If you didn't pay special attention, you wouldn't be able to smell it at all.

As soon as the scent entered his nose, Chu Yue felt dizzy for a while, so frightened that he quickly held his breath, and it took a long time before he recovered.

But it's impossible to fight like this, and it's impossible for him to hold his breath forever.

[Stupid host, have you forgotten that there is still this system? Wouldn't it be good to just exchange for a gas mask? ]

Chu Yue had no way to refute this time, he was really stupid this time, he had nothing to say when he was despised by the system.

"System, I will be attacked by my brother, what about the others?" Chu Yue only remembered this question now.

Bei Mingfeng is very strong, he is not worried, he is afraid that he will fight with others or be besieged, it is estimated that no one will be able to please him at that time.

[So, stupid host, go get rid of the culprit, go——]

Chu Yue rolled his eyes, he found that the system is getting more and more fun now, and more and more humane.

[Temporary task, to eliminate the culprit of hallucinations, 100,000 points will be deducted for failure, and 50,000 points will be rewarded for success, please host. ]

Chu Yue didn't want to complain about the unfairness of the system anymore. If it didn't cheat him, Chu Yue would suspect that it had changed its nature?

Well, anyway, he was going to eliminate the culprit, but why didn't he save people first?

Sure enough, this question once again brought the contempt of the system, [Stupid host, since the fog has dispersed you, you think you can find them, not to mention that they are difficult to find when they are scattered, you just found them, can you stop them all? ? Therefore, the stupid host should go and kill the culprit first! ]

Silently, Chu Yue exchanged two gas masks, and the flower vines came out from the ground, tied up the defenseless Chuhe tightly, and then put a mask on him.

He didn't knock him out, who knows if there are other dangers in the fog, when he wakes up, cutting the vines can at least protect himself.

Even if Chu Yue temporarily shielded the psychedelic fragrance, he would not be confused by the hallucination, but the thick fog still obstructed his vision, so he could only find the culprit while groping.

Turned around several times along the way, did not meet anyone, but encountered several waves of attacks from strange creatures.

Fortunately, he is not as strong as him, and he can still kill it by himself.

It's just that it doesn't work like this. There is no map here, and with the heavy fog, his way of finding it is simply looking for a needle in a haystack, and it is impossible to find it.

And it seems that there are other dangers here, too.

Because it was hidden in the thick fog, Chu Yue couldn't even see what was attacking him, anyway, there were all kinds of attacks.

He flicked the whip, and the opponent's attack was interrupted, and blood spattered, and he also stopped attacking himself.

Chu Yue knew that his attack had worked.

It's just that he still can't find his way so far, so he can only walk wildly, it's all about luck.

I don't know where this place is. According to his way of walking, it has been almost an hour, and he still hasn't found a way out.

I don't know whether the road under my feet is a straight road or a detour. I can't find the right road anyway.

And as he moved, he always felt that the fog seemed to be getting bigger. The visibility was not bad just now, at least he could see a distance of fifteen or six meters, but now he could not see within five meters.

This had to make Chu Yue put up 120,000 points of energy to guard his surroundings, and at the same time, he became more careful.

Suddenly, when Chu Yue stepped back, he bumped into somewhere, hard yet soft, more like a human body.

Chuhe was startled, and was about to attack, but the person he hit grabbed his wrist.

"Ayue, it's me." The voice of the visitor was muffled, and he couldn't hear it clearly, but Chu Yue could still hear who the voice was.

"Ah Feng, you didn't fall into the illusion?" Chu Yue looked him up and down for a long time, he was not injured, and he also wore a mask on his face.

"Well, ever since I separated from you and there was heavy fog again, I felt something was wrong, so I exchanged the gas mask with the system first, and I didn't get caught."

After all, Bei Mingfeng is not Chu Yue, and his experience before the apocalypse is still quite useful in the apocalypse.

"Well, I'm looking for the culprit who created the fog. You're here, just to help me. The system says this thing is illusion, but it's not spiritual."

"Ah, it's indeed weird. After I put on the mask, I was not affected. I found several waves of strange creatures fighting with each other."

(The earth is collectively referred to as mutant beasts, and creatures from other worlds are referred to as mutant creatures. From now on, for convenience, they are collectively referred to as mutant creatures.)

"Then are you okay?" Chu Yue nervously pulled him to look left and right, trying to make sure he was not injured? Although I just watched it and there was no trauma, but who knows if he will hide it from himself in order not to worry himself.

Bei Mingfeng smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to pull the man into his arms, and patted him comfortingly, "I'm fine, I avoided them automatically, as long as they don't collide with them head-on, they won't take the initiative to attack people. In their eyes Just each other, just like us."

Bei Mingfeng made a little joke to ease his tension, if it wasn't for the weird gas everywhere, he really wanted to take off his mask and kiss him desperately.

"Nonsense." Chu Yue was successfully amused by him, and reached out to pat him lightly a few times.

But then he restrained his smile. After all, this is not a good place to flirt. In addition, he was also worried about other people, so he had better find out the owner of this thick fog first.

Bei Mingfeng also knew that this was not a good place to flirt, but just now he was worried that he had finally found his own wife, and while he was relieved, he couldn't help but flirt with her.

However, this innocuous little joke worked well, at least it made Chu Yue, who had been tense all the time, relax.

Chu Yue tied a flower vine around their waists, even though they were holding hands, it was still necessary just in case.

What if, the owner of this thick fog is playing tricks again?

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