Chapter 8

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I was walking to the astronomy tower for an astronomy lesson.  Unfortunately this was a lesson at day so we wouldn't be able to look at the stars. I still liked the theory, but actually seeing the planets and stars is way cooler. The closer I got, the more crowded the hallways got. I was squeezing myself through every tiny gap to move forward. I heard people planicing and running away, whilst others stood in a circle. The circle was made around two fighting people. To be specific, one boy was beating up another helpless boy, with that first boy being the one and only Mattheo Riddle.

"KEEP! YOUR! FUCKING! MOUTH! SHUT! CLUELESS PIECE OF SHIT!" Mattheo said or better, yelled,  in between punches.

I was shocked, just like most of the people in the hallway. Nobody was helping the other boy, probably out of fear. If you saw the punches Mattheo was throwing, I don't know if help was even possible.  After a good amount of punches Mattheo walked away without a word, leaving the other boy with blood on the floor. Quickly a group of people rushed to the injured one, including me, whilst others in the hallway made room for Mattheo to leave.  Everyone stayed at least a good meter away from him. After making sure the boy on the floor was alright I continued walking to the astronomy tower, not wanting to be late and not wanting to be in the crowded, panicking room full of fear for too long. The hundreds of stairs I had to walk were making me tired, if I didn't enjoy the class this much I would have never chosen astronomy. One by one students walked into the classroom, most of them were breathing heavily due to the stairs. After catching their breath they all began talking about the incident from the hallway.

"He has finally shown his true colors."
"His dad is probably proud."
"I'm surprised he didn't kill the boy."
"The boy was only talking to Mattheo, nothing more."
"I bet he enjoyed it."

With all the talking from others the situation got more clear for me. The boy was probably saying some mean or judgy stuff to Mattheo, who was done with all the comments, so Mattheo finally exploded. At least this was how I imagined it to be.
Maybe people were right in thinking that Mattheo finally showed his true colors, but I think that Mattheo was just finally standing up for himself. Seeing the impact that Mattheo made on the boy was a bit scary to see. It was clear that this wasn't the first time Mattheo was fighting. Was that proof that he was bad? Maybe he just liked boxing or some kind of martial arts.
I drew my attention back to the lesson. Today we were learning about star constellations which I found rather interesting. I already know a lot because I'd done some research about it in the past. Astronomy was almost a hobby of mine. I didn't always believe all the things we had to learn, like star signs, but it was interesting nevertheless. It was funny to see how other people viewed the world, or maybe it was just me being way too curious again.

"We really have to join Harry's group. Look at what Mattheo did to the boy." Athena who sat besides me said.

"I don't know, maybe the boy deserved it."

"How can you protect Mattheo, you do know who his father is right?"

"Yes of course, but maybe we shouldn't judge him. Wouldn't you snap too if everyone was talking shit about you everytime?" I suggested calmly.

"Well people are probably right about what they are saying. You cannot blame them for keeping their guard up. But fine, I'll think about it for a little longer." Athena finally stated.

"Thanks. I know that there's a big chance that you're right, but I just don't want to judge him immediately."

"I'm always right." Athena tried to say as serious as posible, but eventually we both burst out laughing.

"Yeah right, remember last year with like...mmm... 100% of all the boys?" I fired back.

"Shhh, we don't talk about that." Athena said with a guilty grin.

"You don't talk about it, I do."

"By Merlin's beard, please shut up."

I grinned. "Ok, sorry."

"I know you want to be good but you shouldn't be so naïve all the time." Athena warned with a concerning look.

I wanted to respond but I got interrupted.

"Girls! Quiet please." The professor interrupted.

Athena rolled her eyes at the teacher and then we both continued focusing on the lesson. At least, I did, Athena was probably daydreaming about some boy. I couldn't keep Athena's words out of my mind though. Was I really just naïve? Or was I just seeing the world through my own eyes instead of others?

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