Chapter 15

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It had been a busy week with homework and training so I was really tired. I was excited to try out my new broom but on the other hand I hadn't had much time for my friends. The last time we had really hung out was on my birthday. So I thought that it was a great idea for me to make some time.

"Hey, do you guys want to do something tomorrow?" I asked Athena and Cho.

They looked at each other, then Cho nodded and Athena sighed.

"We didn't want to make you feel left out, but you didn't want to join." Athena spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well you know all the days and nights me and Athena were hanging out..." Cho started.

"Yes?" I wondered where this was going.

"We were with Harry."

"Oh." I tried not to sound too disappointed, but that didn't change the fact that I was disappointed.

"You can always join though, but we thought you didn't want to." Athena explained.

"And still don't. But why did you guys join?" I asked with a calm voice.

"Why? He is his son! Besides that, everyone is doing it." Cho exclaimed.

"His son, so not him." I pointed out.

"You have literally seen him beat a boy up, a boy who had to recover for a week!"

"But you don't know what the boy did."

"Gia, did Mattheo seem hurt to you?"

"No... maybe me-" I didn't know what to say to be honest.

"No indeed, why do you even protect him?" Athena asked, confused.

"I don't protect him, I just don't want to judge him."

"Gia you're going to get killed like this." Cho sighed.

"Sure, let's just talk about something else." I was getting annoyed with the conversation so I decided to stop it.

"Can you cover for us though?" Cho asked.

"For what?"

"The training is also during the classes." She explained.

"Yeah whatever." I sighed.

"Thanks, love you."

I wanted to roll my eyes at the last comment. I guess they loved me or something, but it didn't always feel like that. A part of me always felt left out.

"Anyways, I'm going to my dorm, see you later." I stood up and walked away.

I had been making excuses for my friends the whole day. Until now every professor had accepted the excuse of them being sick. Currently I was in DADA, sitting next to Mattheo. Again, I didn't gave him uch choice.

"I don't know if you know my friends, Cho and Athena but I just don't know how to feel about them sometimes. Like today, I'm making up all sorts of excuses so that they can go to th-"

I stopped, not knowing whether I should tell him that they were in the anti-Mattheo group or not.

"-uhm, skip."
I don't know why I told him all that but I did. Maybe because he was like a wall.

"I only found out why yesterday during dinner, Otherwise they probably wouldn't have told me." I sighed in frustration before really realizing what I was talking about with who.
"Ehm... anyways, let's just focus on the lesson. Or on the book."

I added the latter for the boy who hadn't looked up from his book since I started talking. Now that I put it out like that, maybe I just bored Mattheo with my talking.

"I'm sorry that I talk so much, I'll be quiet from now on."

I opened my DADA textbook, something professor Norther had already  asked us to do at the beginning of the lesson. Just as I was starting to listen to the professor, someone else started to talk too.

"Don't apologize."

"Sorry?" I asked in shock

"Don't apologize, it's fine."

I looked in shock at Mattheo, who still wasn't looking up from his book.

"Thanks." I said with another genuine smile

BTW jf you have any type of suggestions for the story or things for me to improve; let me know!!


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