Chapter 3

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"Mattheo Riddle." Professor McGonagall said, for the first time in my life I could see she was nervous too.

There it was. The son of Voldermort was officially at Hogwarts.


"What is he doing here?!"
"He's going to get us killed!"
"He who shall not be named is coming!"
"It's his son!"

The whole room was in panic. Luckily Cho and Athena were calm, I say luckily because they could become pretty hysterical, trust me. I, myself, was calm too since I already knew about his arrival. It unfortunately didn't stop me from being nervous.
The big surprise for me came when the boy who bumped into me, or who I bumped into, sat down on the sorting chair. I don't know how Tom Riddle or Voldermort had looked before he turned into who he was now, but I would have never guessed that his son could turn out this pretty. McGonagall carefully placed the hat down on Mattheo's curls. I expected the hat to scream Slytherin immediately, but to my shock it didn't. I was right about the house though, because after a minute or so, the hat announced that the boy had been placed in Slytherin. The time that it took for the hat to decide did say something, hopefully something positive.

"See he's the same!"
"He'll kill us."
'His father must be proud!"

It was weird how people were either afraid or mean, but in the end all judgy. Was he really that bad? Nobody had even heard of him before but somehow they know exactly who he is. The scary part was that I don't know if they were wrong or not. Did I need to keep my guard up with him around? Or was he just a boy?

"By Merlin's beard, I wished that Cho wasn't right." Athena whined.

"For the first time I think that too." Cho sighed.

"It'll be alright. There must be a good reason why Dumbledoor allowed him to be here." I assured them, but at the same time I also tried to assure myself.

"He let his father come here too, which wasn't a good decision either."

"Let's just see how Mattheo is first before we judge." I suggested , but I couldn't disagree with Cho's argument.

"And let's get killed in the meantime." Athena rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm with Athena on this." Cho gave me a sad smile.

"You don't have to associate with him, just keep your mind open, like Dumbledoor said."

They shrugged, but didn't say anything. Of course they had a point, but it wasn't based on facts. 
I brought my attention back to Mattheo. The just sorted Slytherin walked to his table. A few of the students had a frightened look on their face whilst others welcomed him with a smirk, they were probably kids from death eaters.  Mattheo ignored all the people who were greeting him and sat down next to Draco and Blaize. It seemed like he already knew them since he started talking to them. With talking I meant speaking two words.

The rest of the evening wasn't that special anymore. Since Mattheo's announcement the whole mood had changed and everyone was whispering about Mattheo. You could feel the tension in the room. I was eating and trying to have a different conversation with my friends.
When the dinner ended I went to my dorm. Cho and Athena shared a room together, but for some reason I had no roommate. And whatever the reason  may be, I liked it. I had double the space and more time for myself. I began unpacking most of my stuff including my record player. Since there wasn't electricity I got a magical record player. I assumed it was made by a muggleborn because they didn't really listen to music in the magical world. Wizards probably didn't make any music, which was weird if you'd ask me. With magical powers it should be easier to make music. You could even have a solo band with multiple instruments.
I quickly got ready for bed after unpacking the important stuff.  Normally I'd stay awake a bit longer, but today I was really tired. This became even more noticeable when I fell asleep in only a few minutes.

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