Chapter 5

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At the end of the day there were quidditch tryouts. I was already in the team as a chaser but I needed to help with picking new players.  I have always played sports, since I could walk probably . That's why I decided to try out for Quidditch in the first place. If I'm being honest, I didn't even know what it was, I just thought it was throwing some balls. The fact of it being a team sport was also really intriguing. I think I only made the team because I was good at throwing and I could fly around average. The tryouts were very diverse, some people could barely fly and others were quite good. Sometimes it was hilarious and sometimes it was boring. Unfortunately there were always kids who got mad when they didn't get into the team. It annoyed me how spoiled some people could act. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to judge people or be mean, but some of these kids treated my teammates and me with forbidden spells.
In the end we did manage to get a full team again so everything was fine. Our team now consisted of: Duncan (beater), Jason (beater, new), Jeremy (chaser), Roger (chaser, new), Grant (keeper, captain), Siroma (seeker) and myself(chaser). To be safe we also had a few back up players, but I really hoped they would never get the chance to play. They weren't bad, bad, but they barely made the team, and that says enough.

The next day I found out which other class I shared with Mattheo, DADA. People were saying mean things about him during the lesson again. I was really impressed by the patience Mattheo seemed to have.

"Why is he here when he's the threat?"
"Are we learning to defend ourselves against Mattheo?"
"He'll only get more dangerous."

I got that people were scared, but why were they mean? If Mattheo really was that dangerous, the mean ones were probably on top of his blacklist so it wasn't nice and it wasn't smart.

Later on the day I had my second transfiguration lesson. I sat beside Hermoine again since I really enjoyed the last time.. The girl had quite some interesting news to tell me. Apparently Harry didn't trust the whole 'Mattheo situation' so he wanted to find a way where Mattheo wouldn't be attending Hogwarts anymore. The boy who lived didn't plan on doing this alone and wanted to start a group against Mattheo. I didn't know how to respond to this, especially when Hermoine asked me to join. After hard thinking about what to say I told her that I was going to see for myself and that they should trust the decision made by Dumbledoor. But I still couldn't process the fact that Harry wanted to do this a day after Mattheo's arrival. I truly think that Harry needs to calm down sometimes, not everything is bad. How could he already be against Mattheo when he had almost done nothing? Or was it just me being delusional?

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