CHAPTER 3 : Fight Or Flight

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After dropping off his brother at school, Hong Joong goes to meet up with his friends at their usual spot since he's early today. His mind is still stuck on yesterday's incident, wincing at the reminder of the pain he received after falling on the concrete sidewalk.

"Hey Joong. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Woo Young comments, noticing his grumpy friend. Hong Joong responds with a death glare.

"Well, that's the aftermath of playing games when you should be resting," Jong Ho points out.

"Whatever," Hong Joong replies, rolling his eyes. "Have you guys seen the new girl yet?"

"No? Why are you looking for her?"

"She owes me something," Hong Joong explains, scanning the crowd with his eyes.

"Oh. I didn't know you guys were friends," Seong Hwa stares at him curiously.

Hong Joong stares at his best friend bewilderedly as she scoffs. "Don't be insane. She's nothing to me."

Giving up on the search since he sees no sign of the girl, he participates in the group's current conversation instead. Eventually, they part ways when the bell rings, and Hong Joong pushes his way through the crowds towards his homeroom. However, he recognizes a certain someone about to enter the classroom.

"THIEF!" Hong Joong calls out, causing the girl's head to snap in his direction as her eyes widen. Without thinking twice, she sprints down the hallway.

Surprised that her first thought was flight, Hong Joong shoves his bag at one of his classmates as he bolts after her.

Running as fast as her short legs will allow her, being unfit not helping her either, she swerves in between the students, hoping to lose the idiot boy chasing behind her. Making a sharp turn, she almost slips but mentally praises herself for making it as she continues to bolt. Looking over her shoulder, she sees him still hunting her down.

Noticing the hallway getting emptier with each step, Hong Joong increases his speed as he tries his best to dodge the other students, apologizing to others he might've bumped into. Getting closer to her, only for the little thief to take a turn and run up the stairs.

Already regretting the decision of taking the stairs, knowing there's no point in turning around, she tries her best to outrun him, hoping that taking the stairs might slow him down the way it's slowing her down. Watching her run upstairs, Hong Joong's lungs burn from the sudden exercise he received, mentally cursing her out for putting him through this.


Reaching the rooftop, she suddenly feels a firm grip around her arm as she tries to run again. "Hey, let me go, you little shit!" She yells out at a boy.

The stranger chuckles. " Did you just call me a little shit?"

Turning pale at the much bigger boy only to realize it's not the one who was chasing her, trying her best to break loose from his firm grip. "Let go,you're hurting me," she states while struggling against him.

"I'm hurting you? You called a 'little shit' which 'hurts my feelings'', he speaks in a grating infantile voice and laughs.

Watching her squirm under his hold as his eyes scan her frame, smirking as he takes note, "Wait a minute.Your new here, right?"

He is not getting an answer out of her as he chuckles. "Cat, got your tongue? Don't worry, I like the quiet ones. "

"Ew. Let go of me, you pedophile." she states in utter disgust, still trying to wiggle out of the grip, which only tightens,causing her to wince as it starts hurting her.

"She said let her go, Woo Seok." Another, familiar voice, calls out.

Glancing to the side as his eyes meet with Hong Joong, "Ah, Hoong Joongie, is this your belonging?"

He made his way closer to the thief as his clenches at the image, especially knowing Woo seok's record. "Let her go before I decide to take a trip to the principal."

Scoffing at Hoong Joong's threat, he shoves the little thief away as he walks,bumping shoulders with Hong Joong, "You're no fun. You know that right." He points out before leaving.

"Well, thank you-not that I needed your help. I still appreciate it." she says calmly, trying to move past Hong Joong, only for him to grab her wrist, causing her to yank it away. "You men need to stop touching me."

Chuckling as he stares at her in disbelief. "You men? Don't put me in the same category with that punk, and maybe I'll stop touching you if you didn't become a thief.

Dramatically gasping as she stares atHong Joong with big round eyes, "Me? a thief? Never. I don't even know the meaning of stealing.

"Ah, perfect. An idiot and a thief, a beautiful combo."
"You think I'm beautiful?" She asks with concern.
"What? don't be stupid, little thief. look, I'm already missing a lesson, stop wasting my time."

"Hey, you decided to chase me, remember? The only person wasting your time is you." She points out while trying to move past him.

Blocking her way once again as he keeps his hand out. "Look, give me what's mine or pay for it,"

Staring at him as she slowly reaches for her bag, causing Hong Joong to step closer-having him exactly where she wants him to be as she turns and shoves, I'm out of the way , bolting towards the rooftop's exit.

Glad for having a firm stance, since she didn't knock him over. Hong Joong immediately grabs her by the arm and pushes her against the wall.

"Can you stop with the shoving!" Hong Joong spits out of frustration as he stares into her eyes only for his attention to fall on the door, eyes locking with the vice principal's and Woo Seok's frames.

"See, miss. I told you I saw a couple coming up here to make out.

Both Hong Joong's and the thief's eyes widened at Woo Seok's statement.


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