Kora should enjoy these immensely, she seemed to get excited whenever I brought her fruits before. Her eyes would flutter closed and she would smile happily with the first taste of the sweet juices on her tongue.

Sacred fruit is usually used only during rituals and fermented for weeks into a juice that often calms the nerves and relaxes the senses. The fruit itself isn't very potent but I'm sure she will like the taste.

From my place high up in the tree's I could see kora washing off in the pond with the campfires light bathing her in an orange glow. The sight was enough to make the flowers' aphrodisiac effects grab hold of my body.

I cursed to myself seeing my body reacting in such a way. Climbing down the tree I hid myself behind cover and angrily sulked. Should kora see my erection again she may be displeased and my offering to her could be rejected. 

I balled my fists digging my claws into the palms of my hands. I can't go back to her like this, I need to get rid of it. I have to assure that she does not reject my offering.

 turning around, I supported my weight against the trunk of the tree with one arm and adjusted my leathers to free my shaft.

Tentatively I took hold of my member and started stroking, trying to get rid of the problem before me. 

 In my mind's eye I remembered each of the events that took place deep in the caves. The way Kora's naked body felt against my own as I held her in my arms. That fierce look in her hazel eyes as we argued. The way her hands felt on my horns.

A deep growl sounded from my throat as I moved faster and my breathing became labored. My tail practically curled around the trunk of the tree as I leaned back against it and closed my eyes.

Kora was the only thing I could think of while stroking my shaft vigorously. The memory of the feel of her soft breasts taunted me as I thought about her. I wanted to explore her entire body. I wanted to feel every curve, taste her skin.

Faux. I couldn't not think of that 'kizz' she showed me. It was strange at first but once I had a taste I couldn't pull away. I wanted to run my tongue along every inch of her mouth. I wanted to hear more of those throaty sounds that escaped her lips.

I groaned feeling a haze take over my mind as I stroked harder than before. And my body tensed. What would it feel like to mate with her? To have kora's soft body meld with my own, to become one with her…

How would she look, lying beneath me with those hazel eyes filled with as much want and need as I felt now? I could already hear her sweet voice calling my name. "Elazar!"

With a strained grunt a shock traveled through my entire body and down my spine. I dug my claws into the tree before me and snarled as my seed spilled out onto the ground before me and the spurs across my shaft extended. With my head tilted back I opened my eyes to see the stars twinkling high above while my pulse thrummed through my member and the haze in my mind relented.

Faux, I feel like an adolescent again… sneaking off into the forest to quell my body's desires. I groaned at the memories from so long ago, we are supposed to be above such urges when we come of age yet here I am succumbing to them just after eating a single vel'vhe bloom.

Releasing my tight grip on the tree I leaned my head against my arm letting the last of my spill spurt out onto the forest floor. Anyone who saw me in such a state would think I had lost my mind.

But this was for Kora, this was to assure that she would not reject me. With a sigh I closed my eyes, letting the tension in my muscles fade.

However The sound of approaching footsteps made my head shoot up as well as the sound of a particular human calling out my name. "Elazar?!"

Faux! She must not see me like this! She must not see what I've done!

I quickly readjusted my leathers and came out of hiding before she discovered me. She halted and looked up, seeming relieved to see me. She was now wearing her strange cloths that seemed to have dried and was wielding her knife cautiously.

"Are you okay?! I thought I heard an 'aneemoll' or something, and you were taking a 'wiel' to come back.

I fought to keep my tail from tucking between my legs while standing before the small female. She heard me but thought it was some other creature. She thought I was being attacked, I'm not sure if I should be relieved or not.

 "It was nothing…probably two vrall rutting in the bushes nearby."  She gave me a confused look, tilting her head as I walked past her back towards the camp, keeping from looking back at the spot I had spilled my seed. I was glad she didn't question further and followed me back to the fire. 

Removing my bag from my person I set it down before going over to the pond to rinse my body of the filth that covered me. Kora sat back down beside the fire. 'phack!' As her bottom touched the ground a small yelp escaped her lips and she jumped a little before grabbing a stick she had mistakenly sat on.

With an angry glare to the opposing object that had poked her she tossed it into the fire and got comfortable. 

Once I was cleaned off enough. I stood up and moved to sit down beside Kora in front of the fire. We sat in silence for a few moments and I watched as the small female poked at the burning flames with a stick.

An uneasy feeling plagued my mind as I glanced down. At my pouch lying on the ground at my side. Clearing my throat to pull koras attention to me I spoke up. "Are you hungry?" 

Her eyes moved to me and seemed to sparkle at the mention of food. Carefully I retrieved the sacred fruit from my bag to show her and she leaned closer, enthralled by their shimmery appearance. 

"Whoa what is that? They look like blooberries, only pastel perrpol and zparrklee!"

Brushing aside her strange description of the fruit I plucked one off the stem and held it in the palm of my hand to show her. "This is sha'vira, the sacred fruit. Thought to be seeds of the fourth moon…" tossing the single berry in my mouth I pulled out a piece of woven cloth from my bag to set the fruit on and hesitantly I held out the entire stem for Kora to take, holding my breath. My tail tensed behind me as she looked at my offering curiously.

This was it. If she took my offering negatively she very well may tell me to leave, or shun me for the next few days. I know my body disgusts her but I am a decent male and a good hunter. I could provide for her and give her anything she desires. 

I balled my fists digging my claws into my palms, waiting for her response. After a few tense beats of my heart she reached out and took the offering, setting it upon her lap. Plucking one of the berries off she admired it before popping it in her mouth. A huge grin spread across her cheeks as she chewed it and swallowed, before grabbing another. "It's so good!"

Relief washed over me as I watched her devour each and every berry happily. She accepted…

Once she finished off the first stem she sucked the excess juice off her stubby fingertips happily. Once there was nothing left her face twisted into a small pout and she looked up to me. "Is there anymore?" 

Pride swelled in my chest as I sat up straighter and quickly retrieved the rest of the fruit from my pouch. "Of course. I collected enough for you to enjoy and for us to ferment once we return to the burrow."  I handed her more of the fruit which she gladly took.

"Thank god, I'm so hungry I could eat a kow" I smiled as my tail swished around behind me excitedly. 

"I do not know of this 'kow' you speak of but I would traverse the entire forest. To hunt one down for you." This seemed to make Kora giggle and shake her head. 

"It would take a miracle for you to find one of those down here, besides I think there's plenty of other creatures who have meat just as tasty if not better than kow, here."

I hummed to myself and happily watched Kora enjoy my offering to her. It wasn't much, and I knew I still had a long ways to go to prove myself to her but I would gladly go to any lengths to give her what she desires.

Because kora shall be my mate.

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt